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Whig party History Research Paper Coursework Essay (Research Paper Sample)


Whig party HISTORY


Whig party
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The Whig Party was a political movement in the United States organized and formed by the opponents of the Andrew Jackson’s presidency seeking to champion for the improvement of the country’s own internal infrastructure and welfare in 1834. Historically, it presents one of the short-lived parties in the American society owing to their short term mileages in the landscape. The group derived at the party’s name from the imitation of the Britain governance structures. The party came into existence as a movement to counter the monarchial reign witnessed in Andrew’s presidential era. The antimonarchist party was devoted towards improving the level of democratic culture in the community with a clear focus on the roles of wealth creation and welfare improvements to help the country develop into a free society that embraces The party failed to win the presidential election in the 1836 election but captured the seat in the subsequent election fronting a strong candidate to challenge the presidency of the Democrats (Lu, 2017)..
Typically, the Whigs wanted to champion various aspects in the society including better banking systems economic growth as well as several other reforms in the humanitarian and political landscape within the American dream. Here, they intended to oppose several characteristic display of inhuman virtues such as executive tyrannies and or democratic suffrages in the political history of the country.

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