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The Internet and Digital Technology Control. Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


The Future of the internet and digital technologies is not one of emancipation and empowerment but control (Including surveillance and governance) bycorporations, corporate media and the state. The sample was about expounding the above instructions in a clear and concise research format.


The Internet and Digital Technology Control
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The Internet and Digital Technology Control
The pervasive growth of the internet and its digital components has provoked government, corporations, and media houses to act on the amount of content released to the public and the consequent effects it has on the status quo of the economy, social and political environments. The line of argument contended by these organizations is the logic of security and limitless democracy. Internet control in this perspective is, therefore, the censorship and surveillance of information and content to restrict public awareness CITATION Mor11 \l 2057 (Morozov, 2011). In numerous countries around the world, the freedom of the internet is debatable. It draws digital technology surveillance into question, thereby igniting the flames of liberties such as privacy, expression, and the general pursuit of happiness for the modern society.
Corporate Media and Internet Control
The liberty of the fourth estate guarantees it the ability to express, publicize, and investigate matters related to the public in the form of information. The superficial analysis of the media houses often fails to identify the fact that these media corporations control the internet and digital technologies to manage the content broadcasted to the public for its interests. 

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