Network Security IT & Computer Science Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)
This order focused on network security. every type of network connection has been discussed based on the type of connection and the possible threat and solution.
Network Security
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc501101264 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc501101265 \h 3WLAN design PAGEREF _Toc501101266 \h 6WMAN link PAGEREF _Toc501101267 \h 6Storage solution PAGEREF _Toc501101268 \h 7Costings of setting up a network PAGEREF _Toc501101269 \h 9Media Streaming PAGEREF _Toc501101270 \h 10The IP telephony PAGEREF _Toc501101271 \h 12Network Design Considerations PAGEREF _Toc501101272 \h 13Security implementation PAGEREF _Toc501101273 \h 15Network Management PAGEREF _Toc501101274 \h 16Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc501101275 \h 18Reference PAGEREF _Toc501101276 \h 18
Network Security
Network security refers activities or practices aimed at protecting the integrity and usability of the network and the data in it. This process of protection include the use of hardware and software devices technologies. An effectively managed network ensures a prompt access to information by the authorized person and bars the unauthorized from accessing the information hence preserves the integrity and confidentiality of the information. The securing process targets the threats aimed at attacking the information in the network.
In this report, we will use the CISCO in drawing the network design diagrams. Several equipment shall be used to accomplish the networking process.
Keywords: Network security, network design, data, data integrity, confidentiality, bandwidth.
Network security refers to the practice of keeping data in a network safe from malicious people. This includes the simple computer best practices from users such as implementation of a strong password to their account. Once information is sent over a network, it I consider vulnerable to malicious people. These people may target an organization or personal information so that they alter the content of the information sent. They can as well destroy the information denying the authorized person from accessing such information.
For one to transmit data through the network, there are security measures that has to be put in place to help with securing the information. One can decide to encrypt the data during transmission. Encryption refers to the use of encryption keys technology. The sender uses an encryption key during transmission process while at the end of the network; the receiver uses a decryption key to be able to read the content of the information. This means that, a person who do not have the decryption key will consider the information useless (Huang, MacCallum & Du, 2007).
Firewalls can also be used in enhancing security in a network. The firewall filters the kind of information getting into the computer from the network it can also bar malicious people from accessing the information stored in a computer. Through the use of firewalls, the authorized users will have a full access to the information stored in a system while at the same time baring those who do not have the authority.
Authorization is the process of allowing a user to access the information they need from the network data. Authorization comes after authentication. The authentication process refers to the user providing details that shows they are the real owners of the account. Authentication process may include the requesting of personal information such as the email address one used during the registration process. For one to log in to the account, they have to produce the exact email address, which they used during the registration process failure to which they will not be able to access the services of these network sources. For a person to log in to also log in to an account, they also have to produce the password. The password must be the correct password that matches the email address used during the registration. If the password is correct and the email address is wrong, the system will lock the user out. Even if the address is right and the email address is wrong, the user will still be locked out. After a user have provided the right details of a system, they will then be authorized to access the resources of the network (Huang, MacCallum & Du, 2007).
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