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Article 17 of the European copyright laws. Law Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


showing how article 17 of the EUROPEAN copyright law solve the problem of copyright infringement


The Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market is a problem solver when it comes to copyright and Intellectual property rights in general.This provision is commonly known as the value-gap provision. Great harmonization is to be enjoyed by member states upon implementation by member states. The European Council lays its aims as far as the directive is concerned to ensure among other things, protection of press publication and reduction of the value gap between profits made by internet platforms.[European Commission, Question & Answers: EU negotiators reach a breakthrough to modernize copyright rules (2019)] [European Commission, Question & Answers: EU negotiators reach a breakthrough to modernize copyright rules (2019)] [Official Journal of the European Union, International Agreements (2019)]
The directive which was introduced by the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs on 20th June 2018 is geared towards advancement of Intellectual Property Rights and well as creating a uniform aspect to all the member states. Upon its approval on the 26th March 2019, member states are expected to come up with appropriate legislation to meet the directives.[European Parliament committee (2019)]
Article 17 of this directive is aimed at regulating content shared on online platforms to ensure that it is original content and that copyrighted content is not allowed on the platforms. Below is how article 17 solves the problem of online copyright infringement and also some limitations of the article.[Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, Article 17]
PROBLEM THAT THE DIRECTIVE FOCUSES ON SOLVING[Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, Article 17]

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