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History of the Volleyball Game and Spiking Technique (Research Paper Sample)


I was required to write about the history of the volleyball game and spiking TECHNIQUE, define terms used in volleyball Spiking, and conduct a research on a Novice-Expert Comparison of Volleyball Biomechanics of MOVEMENT.
This sample shows my skills in conducting research and writing research papers.


Volleyball Spiking
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History of the volleyball game and spiking technique
William G. Morgan invented volleyball game in 1895, four years after the basketball invention CITATION NCV21 \l 1033 (NCVA, 2021). Morgan, a Springfield College graduate, designed as a bled/combination of tennis, handball, basketball and baseball CITATION Roc14 \l 1033 (Rockcontent, 2014). The first net that was used to play volleyball game was 6’6” high – this was a reasonable height considering that an average American in the 19th century was shorter. The net was rented from tennis. Two years after invention, the first ever two-player volleyball beach-game was played, though a professional game emerged much later. The first association of beach volleyball was created in California in 1965, and the volleyball professional players came together under the sponsorships of the American Volleyball Professionals (AVP) in 1983. In 1984 during the Olympics in Los Angeles, American women and men took silver and gold medals for the indoor volleyball contests. After four years, at the 1988 Korea Olympics, American men scored gold once again. The two-player beach volleyball game was introduced to Olympics officially in 1996. Currently, there are over 800 million players of volleyball worldwide, and out this number, 46 million players are from the U.S.
Volleyball spiking is an offensive technique of hitting the ball at an elevated trajectory with an aim of being struck by a different player (set and spike). It is a basic tactic of earning points. The ball is hit in a manner that the opponent cannot return it. The Philippians introduced it in 1916. Couch Louie said it was by accident, but they discovered that it was very effective. It was then when the setting and spiking skill was introduced in volleyball games.
The intentions of this paper is to define spiking technique, the terms used, to showcase

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