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MGNT978 - Cross Cultural Management – T3 2022 – Wollongong/Sydney 2022 November MGNT978 WG/SYD T1 2022 Final Assessment Page 1 of 1 Final Examination- Take Home Assessment Task You are asked to write a (i) report and a (ii) reflective essay. This assessment is worth 40% of your final mark in this subject. You must obtain at least 50% in this assessment to pass the subject. This assessment description consists of two pages and Part 1 and Part II Part I: Report on doing a case study (1500 words / 60 Marks) The Case Study for the Assignment Part 1: The Rise and Fall of Carlos Ghosn (Source: Steers, R.M & Osland, J.S. (2020). Management Across Cultures: Challenges, Strategies, and Skills (Fourth edition), Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-1-108-49330-7) (Please see a PDF document (of 7 pages) on the Subject Moodle site-(Assessment 4 information folder) for the above mentioned case study and marking criteria). Assignment Questions 1. Using the Pyramid model of leadership, how would you describe Carlos Ghosn as a corporate leader? 2. What lessons can you draw from this case about long-term leadership success in a cross- cultural context? Use case study information and relevant other concepts, theories/models and any other relevant sources to justify your points. 3. Regarding the actions of Nissan’s board, do you believe ‘local’ executives operating within their own cultures like Saikawa and ‘foreign’ executives brought in from abroad like Ghosn should be held to different ethical standards? Why or why not? Explain. 4. Identify and analyse other cross-cultural management issues you can identify from this case and make appropriate recommendations to address them (cover a minimum of three topics/issues). A simple guide: Use your subject knowledge and learning experience with relevant principles, concepts, theories and frameworks; the case study information; the outcome of your analysis, and any additional information you have used or found in relation to the given questions. Also examine the marking criteria on the information folder. Format as a business report and include: Title page, executive summary, introduction to report, discussion of topics, (example; your response to questions 1-4 under separate sub-headings including recommendations where appropriate), conclusion, references, and appendices (see also Part 11 below). Support your analysis with a minimum of 3 key references from sources outside of the essential and recommended course readings. Length of the report: 1500 words, excluding your references and appendices. Provide a word count on title page. 2022 November MGNT978 WG/SYD Trimester 1 2022 Final Assessment Page 2 of 2 Part II: Reflective Essay (500 words / 40 Marks) Write a self-reflection (of 500 words) on the development of your professional interpersonal skills whilst working with others to produce an agreed output-CLO 4 (e.g. your teamwork assignments). Simply, you can use almost every topic we have discussed in class to improve your teamwork competencies and professional interpersonal skills. How your personal subject knowledge, change in attitudes and skills derived from studying the cross-cultural management concepts, theories, models and assessment tasks have impacted on your professional interpersonal skill development and teamwork and how you could further enhance this competence base in the future. Marking Criteria Depth ofreflection Awareness of own performance in relation to effective teamwork and professional interpersonal relationship, which have been contributed by cross-cultural management knowledge/topic/areas. Response to Feedback Demonstrates understanding of personal impact and uses feedback from your team, your lecturers, and other relevant parties and stakeholders wisely Use of Evidence and Sources- research findings, your learning and work experience, relevant theories/concepts/models, learning from teamwork and other assessment tasks, case scenarios etc. Structure- with particular attention to teamwork and professional interpersonal relationships and key cross cultural management topics that supported effective teamwork, Improvement/Learning Plan- what is your plan to further improve cross cultural competencies in your individual, social and career life. This reflective essay should be added as an appendix to your report. Hint: In both Part I and Part II do not spend too many words on explaining the theories and models; this report needs to show that you can apply relevant concepts, theories and models in a practical way. Completion date. Complete your report (Part I and Part II) and submit it as one file through the Turnitin Gateway (Final Assessment Task Submission on the MGNT978 Moodle site (Section 1) any time on or before 4.30 PM on 10 November, 2022. (Late submission or any other issue will be dealt with according to UOW examination, assessments and AC policies. Please see the Subject outline pages 17-21). source..
Executive Summary Carlos was born in 1954 in brazil. Moreover, he was raised as a French citizen in Lebanon by Lebanese parents. He studied engineering and graduated from cole des Mines de Paris and Paris Ecole Polytechnique. At 64 years, Mr. Ghosn has bagged numerous achievements in his pocket that enable him to boast. In 1999, he saved Japan’s second-biggest automaker from collapsing. Carlos Ghosn used the pyramid model to promote efficient leadership that leads to the success of several companies. As a result, he offers significant lessons concerning linked to cross-cultural management. The key elements of leadership efficiency that he exhibited are honesty, fairness, and integrity. The research aim is to demonstrate Carlos Ghosn's use of the pyramid model in leadership, the lesson from his long-term success in cross-cultural management, other cross-cultural management issues, and recommendations. Key Terms: Cross-cultural management, pyramid model, cross-functional teams (CFT), Nissan Revival Plan (NRP) Introduction Carlos was born in 1954 in brazil. Moreover, he was raised as a French citizen in Lebanon by Lebanese parents. He studied engineering and graduated from cole des Mines de Paris and Paris Ecole Polytechnique (Reb et al., 2019). At 64 years, Mr. Ghosn has bagged numerous achievements in his pocket that enable him to boast. In 1999, he saved Japan’s second-biggest automaker from collapsing. Hence, Japanese people consider him a national hero. The depth of Gohsn's feat is illustrated through his leadership, as the highest Japanese culture does not allow foreigners to attack or invade its territory easily. At his advancing age, he is consistent with his purposeful work ethic and moves from one country to another to manage the largest empires he is assigned. This research seeks to discuss how Carlos Ghosn applied the pyramid model, lessons drawn from Carlos Ghosn's long-term success in a cross-cultural context, whether local and foreign executives should not be subjected to different ethical standards, other cross-cultural management issues, and its recommendations. Pyramid Model and Carlos Ghosn as A Leader The pyramid model refers to a multivariate model designed to conceptualize an institutional capability. It forms the building block that facilitates competitive advantage. The model promotes good cognizance linked to applied concepts (Hirvonen, 2022). Leadership entails a mechanism of social influence which aims at maximizing the efforts of other individuals. Efforts maximization is aimed at the attainment of goals. Efficient leadership is thus vital to any institutional success. Although the former chairman linked to Nissan Motors Carlos Ghosn, witnessed multiple corporate and national issues when he was transferred to Nissan, he exemplified ways in which efficient leadership assists institutions to thrive. Nevertheless, the CEO, who was once admired and a world leader, finally fell from entire glory. Consequently, his management and leadership method was once observed by people as contradictory to traditional Japanese norms. This case has demonstrated that even though a person can have enormous experience, corporate and cultural values must be understood and be made to be aware of them. The main reason is that corporate and cultural values help executive leaders to operate other businesses in a culturally different environment. Likewise, it enables them to operate businesses in a global environment. The aim of this research or study is to provide a discussion concerning corporate cultural values and Japanese and the ways in which Ghosn was able to change the entire company. The pyramid model of leadership was further applied in explaining and evaluating Ghosn leadership. The pyramid model of leadership is significant since it hinders the use of expulsion and suspension. The leadership style advocates the utilization of culturally inclusive and equitable responsive practice (Smith et al., n.d.). Carlos made several steps to facilitate transformation in the organization. He performed numerous activities, like initiating cross-functional teams (CFT). Moreover, the team comprised ten individuals in diverse divisions like as business development, manufacturing, and purchasing. Furthermore, the CFT team also performed their tasks in logistics, organizational structure, finance, administration, marketing, R&D, and sales department duties. Carlos Ghosn utilized the CFT to design a new culture in the Nissan company that comprised the best elements of Japan's country’s culture.  Every CFT is composed of numerous sub-teams of 10 individuals. Every team member focuses on particular problems like recommendations linked to profit improvement. Also, the role of CFT is to address future opportunities faced by big teams. The team then reported the problems to the supervisor. However, they were not permitted to make any decision. Likewise, Carlos Ghosn was the first COO to travel into the field compared to others that initially managed the company. At the field, Carlos Ghosn had to shake hands, meet with other company employees, and engage in discussions with all workers at Nissan. It was fundamental for Carlos Ghosn as it enabled them to know the diverse issues that happened in the field. Carlos Ghosn had to implement and communicate the Nissan Revival Plan (NRP) using diverse recommendations from the CFT team. The NRP plan focused on investing in research and development, designing Nissan's brand image, and also minimizing costs. Lessons drawn from Carlos Ghosn's long-term success in a cross-cultural context Carlos Ghosn’s long-term success in cross-cultural contexts enables us to acquire significant lessons. For instance, the first lesson is that leaders should be able to hear. Ghosn has been a leader who desires to hear. Based on his view, the main requirement for him as a leader is the ability to hear. The lack of excellent listening ability makes the leader unable to succeed despite being smart. Significant numbers of smart individuals have not been able to be leaders since they do not like or want to hear. The second lesson acquired is that leaders performing their tasks with heart needs not seek reputation due to other individuals. Ghosn has successfully performed its duties and transformed into the number one executive. The main reason is that he has been very flexible and performed his tasks with heart. Furthermore, he did not seek a reputation due to others. Leaders succeed as chief executive officers in cross-cultural contexts by working with the heart. Flexibility is also the key to effective leadership. Adaptability is also significant as it enables individuals not to lose valuable things. The other lesson drawn from the case study is that working wholeheartedly is the driving motivation for leadership success. The third lesson learned is that it is fundamental to understand the interaction between individuals of diverse cultures in cross-cultural leadership. Hence, training leaders in cross-cultural concepts are important as they transition to global leadership. The main reason is that it enables them to quickly adjust to diverse environments and work with employees and partners in different cultures. The best theory is Hofstede's cultural dimensions, which explain that leaders should be open-minded to enable them to be conversant with variations in other cultures (Chea, n.d.). Hofstede emphasized short-term and long-term orientations, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculine or feminine, and collectivism or individualism. Local and Foreign Executives Should Not Be Subjected to Different Ethical Standards The key elements of leadership efficiency are honesty, fairness, and integrity. Ethical leadership entails specific behaviors that are appreciated and beneficial to followers. They are important because they incorporate moral norms into specific beliefs and values in an organization. The role of ethical leaders in a cross-cultural setting is to initiate moral behaviors among their subordinates and offer ethical guidance. Additionally, ethical leaders offer a clear sense of accountability towards unethical and ethical conduct (Qing et al., 2020). Local and foreign executives from the same cultures should not be subjected to different ethical standards because the culture promotes similar ethical values. Ghosn used their cross-culture to manage and transform the company in japan. Hence, he should not be held to different ethical standards. His first ethical implication was cross-cultural conflict. Ghosn challenged some of the cultural practices that made Nissan inefficient. For example, he implemented CFTs, increased funds meant for research and development, set targets for the engineering teams, and divested Nissan shares. CFTs reviewed various practices inside the company that could be eliminated or improved to eliminate costs. Secondly, he introduced a compensation structure inside the Nissan company. It was a fundamental structure to attain the performance that Gohsn desired to be eliminated by the company. He removed the seniority rule and created workers’ performance as the prime indicator for compensation and promotion. Initially, it led to cultural disapproval, but it was better than implementing older practices. There was a persistent reduction in gender disparity under the reign of Ghosn. Ghosn also upheld Affirmative action. In the starting years, the Nissan company had fewer managerial posts for women. His executive teams implemented numerous programs that comprised technical education programs and manager mentorship programs. Ghosn also downsizes the company as one of the ethical practices. In order to cut costs, 14% of Nissan employees were laid off. Also, the line of managers from diverse departments was also laid off. Other Cross-Cultural Management Issues There are different cross-cultural management issues that leaders face. First, people...
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