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Psychological Skills Training (PST) Psychology Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


Each member is responsible to complete an equal part of this assignment. You will each have an opportunity to evaluate other group members. If one or more does not participate equally, submit a score of 0, and I will consider that in the overall grading process. If you receive a score of 0 from group members, it is likely you will earn a 0 grade on this assignment. Please note, even though this is a group project, you will be graded individually.
After thoroughly reviewing assigned readings, lecture notes, websites, and the Psychological Skills Training information, complete the following assignment:
1. Select an individual with whom you as a group have some familiarity and design a Psychological Skills Training Program to assist in their learning and performance.
2. This individual must be a real person, and as a group, you must explain the reason for their selection. You will need to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and overall PST program objectives. This individual does not have to be directly sport related, but should be involved in some physical, movement, stress related environment.
3. You must apply each of the following seven psychological tools, explaining the reason and expected outcome. In addition, you must organize your program into the three phases of PST as described in our readings and listed below.
Psychological Skills Training (PST)
The systematic practice of mental training skills that helps your performance and enjoyment. The goals are to increase control, commitment, challenge, and or confidence, i.e., mental toughness. Thus, as the ultimate goal, to develop self-regulation. A key feature of a successful PST is the performers ability to detach from previous experiences, either positive or negative. Detachment is a skill that must be taught as a component of your program. Included in your presentation must be detachment research, and your strategy for teaching and implementing this psychological skill.
The Program:
Behavior Modification
To change an individual’s behavior and reaction to both positive and negative experiences.
Reinforcement, backwards chaining, shaping, goal-setting for target behaviors…
Cognitive Evaluation Theory
Changing thinking, behavior, and emotional responses…developing a list of errors in thinking,
assessing/developing intrinsic motivation, perception of competence, self-determination, and controlling and informational aspects of rewards…
Rational Emotive therapy
People get upset by how they construct their views and the feeling, and language they use.
To evaluate illogical, unrealistic self-defeating interpretations and assumptions….Through behavior modification techniques (homework assignments), people begin to see and accept reality, apply useful self- evaluation….change the perceptions…develop what can be called a map of consciousness: understanding that various thoughts are unhealthy and produce negative outcomes, stress etc., while other thoughts produce understanding, reason and a platform for successful learning and performance
Obtaining a specific standard of proficiency, outcome based and task based
Attentional control
Concentration - selecting and maintaining focus on relevant cues, filtering irrelevant cues, and shifting attentional focus.
Progressive muscle relaxation
Strategies to help release and control tension, breadth control, bio-feedback, stress inoculation
Systematic desensitization
Assist in overcoming stress and anxiety, stress reduction techniques to help overcome anxiety producing situations and/or events.
Clearly detail your plan of action in each phase:
Education Phase – The idea here is for the individual to become familiar with Psychological Skills Training (PST) and to understand how mental training can help their performance. In addition, the “coach” becomes familiar with the individual’s problem, goals, and needs.
Acquisition Phase – The individual and the coach select mental training strategies from the PST and practice the techniques for learning these strategies.
Practice Phase – Here the individual learns to automate the mental training skills, apply these skills to practice settings, and simulate actual competition settings.
Students, you are to present your PST program in two formats.
First, you will submit a summary PowerPoint presentation. Included in this presentation images and other forms of art that are appropriate to your situation. This component should be the WOW of your assignment.
Second, you will submit a Word document that explains your plan in detail, approximately 10 pages. Make sure you format your work using APA documentation and referencing.
Messages from the client.
This is a group project and my part is only the first 3 sections of the Psychological Skills Training (PST) that is 5 pages.
The person the group decided to focus on is SERENA WILLIAMS


Psychological Skills Training
Institutional Affiliation
The Psychological Skills Training (PST) program will be aimed at helping Serena Williams to develop psychological skills that will enable her to reflect on the negative experience of the surgery experience that she underwent earlier in the year. It will be tailored on an individual basis to cater for her specific needs. The PST program will entail the use of such tools as behavior modification, cognitive evaluation theory, as well as rational emotive therapy. Subsequently, it will be effectuated through the use of the action plan that will involve three main stages, including the education, acquisition, and the practice phases.
Psychological Skills Training Program
Psychological Skills Training (PST) entails a set of methods that are individually designed to enable the beneficiary to achieve better psychological skills CITATION Mor10 \l 1033 (Morgan, 2010). Given that there is no single ideal PST program and the uniqueness of people’s psychological needs, each program is tailored on the basis of the psychological state of the persons involved. The PST programs are usually focused on helping persons who engage in sports that might involve high-intensity loads and that could thus, require a continuous power output thus, straining them both physically and psychologically CITATION Hor11 \l 1033 (Horn, Gilbert, Gilbert, & Lewis, 2011). In order to come up with a successful PST program, it is critical to determine the psychological and physical state of the person involved, as well as the activities or sports that they engage in.

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