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African-American Culture Runs On Solidarity (Research Paper Sample)


the following is a literature review focusing on the African-American culture, and arguing that this community’s culture is predicated on solidarity, community cohesion and bonding, and family unity and closeness. The paper addresses African-american culture. client did not want many pages; just three in total.


African-American Culture Runs On Solidarity
African-Americans have had a complicated history in the United States. Despite the abuse the community has suffered over the years, it has been helpful in forming part of the American culture. While a lot could be discussed about this group, the following is a literature review focusing on the African-American culture, and arguing that this community’s culture is predicated on solidarity, community cohesion and bonding, and family unity and closeness.
Solidary as Part of African-American Culture
African-Americans practice solidarity and see it as the only way to fight discrimination and abuse. In American society, blacks are known for working together without considering their countries of origin or tribes. For example, black people demonstrate in the streets whenever a perceived unprovoked shooting of an African-American occurs, as evidenced by the case of George Floyd. Rickford (2020) finds that solidarity among this group is so strong that it often extends to the international scene. Likewise, Perez et al. (2022) explain that the community is so united that it does not even consider the affirmation of “American” as necessary in its agitation for equality. Therefore, African-American culture runs on solidarity.
Community Cohesion and Bonding in African-Americans
African-Americans are also known for cohesion and bonding. The community sees peaceful coexistence as the only way to strengthen its resolve against a perceived enemy. Anyone who appears to contradict the group’s ideology risks alienation since most people believe in collectivistic values that seek to unify the entire community (Smith et al., 2019). Conflicts among family members and other community friends are solved amicably and with minimal or no involvement with authorities. This reliance on internal mechanisms keeps the African-American culture strong and enhances its solidarity when the members fight for social issues.

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