Assessing Social Protection in Jordan (Gaps Analysis) (Research Paper Sample)
tHE SAMPLE IS ABOUT Assessing Social Protection in Jordan (Gaps analysis).
Pages- 6 pages (3300 words) Single spaced
Type of paper- Research paper
Undergraduate (yrs. 3-4)
Discipline- Political science
Title- Assessing Social Protection in Jordan (Gaps analysis)
Sources to be cited- 20
Paper format- APA 7
Paper instructions
I need 6 pages of policy analysis based on the below abstract.
The content should provide a critical overview on the social protection policies and programs in Jordan (NOT only listing them but providing analysis of the gaps, and what went well and the challenges).
The paper should assess and examine the social protection policies and programs (that target the poor and vulnerable people, especially women and children) before, during and after the pandemic.
Assessing Social Protection in Jordan (Gaps analysis)
Institution Affiliation
Course Name
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc87140246 \h 4Assessing Social Protection in Jordan (Gaps analysis) PAGEREF _Toc87140247 \h 5Introduction PAGEREF _Toc87140248 \h 51.0 Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc87140249 \h 51.1 State of Social Protection Policies before the Pandemic PAGEREF _Toc87140250 \h 51.2 Social Insurance Programs PAGEREF _Toc87140251 \h 51.3 Social Assistance Programs PAGEREF _Toc87140252 \h 61.4 Informal social security PAGEREF _Toc87140253 \h 61.5 Are Social Protection Policies in Jordan gender-sensitive and child-responsive? PAGEREF _Toc87140254 \h 62.0 Methodology PAGEREF _Toc87140255 \h 73.0 Results PAGEREF _Toc87140256 \h 84.0 Discussion PAGEREF _Toc87140257 \h 85.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc87140258 \h 9
This research paper aims to understand how the Jordanian Social Protection Programs have responded and continue to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis reveals that Jordan designed social protection policies to help vulnerable groups, particularly the daily wage workers that lost employment due to the coronavirus. Both the social services and economic policies have played a significant role in building solidarity and facilitating recovery. Data was collected from secondary sources such as Jordan’s governmental documents, the World Bank, and the United Nations surveys acquired before and after the Covid-19 pandemic to identify opportunities to improve social protection services in Jordan. The paper uses interpretive policy analysis to examine the documents. Findings of this research indicate that Jordan continues to experience increased unemployment and a rise in debt. The Covid-19 pandemic has intensified inequalities and exacerbated vulnerabilities. Jordan employed hard measures in managing the Covid-19 crisis and implemented social programs and policies to alleviate the poor conditions faced by the poor households due to the pandemic.
Assessing Social Protection in Jordan (Gaps analysis)
Jordan has made commendable improvements in its social protection floor, but like many other states, these milestones have been disrupted significantly by the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has presented social workers with new challenges in addition to those in existence, especially as concerns vulnerable groups such as children and women. The outbreak forced the government to enforce a lockdown on all non-essential sectors, mainly in the service industry, thus bringing the country's economy to a halt. The pandemic hit the food sector significantly as many households experienced a reduction in their incomes. The economic slowdown will continue to persist, hence the need for the Jordanian government to adopt measures that will promote economic recovery with a particular focus on vulnerable groups. Such policies will create a resilient economy through women empowerment and challenging stereotypes that disadvantage susceptible groups.
1.0 Literature Review
1.1 State of Social Protection Policies before the Pandemic
Social protection alleviates poverty and promotes the societies' well-being. Insofar as social protection programs and policies help people manage immediate and future needs, they promote savings and investment. While supporting children's access to education and healthcare, social protections programs play a significant role in breaking Jordan's vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty. Research on social protection across the globe reveals that social policies promote economic growth by stimulating demand and boosting consumption (Jung, Petersen & Sparre, 2014). For instance, during economic downturns, social protection transfers can resuscitate economies and stimulate employment. Covid19 has worsened economic downturns, not only in Jordan but globally, due to an increase in social program beneficiaries. Globally, countries have made remarkable progress in creating and reinforcing social protection systems. However, gaps in access and inadequate benefits remain a challenge to the effectiveness of social protection in reducing poverty and inequality. Even in nations where universal coverage is stipulated by law, not all the underserved communities are reached. Understanding the barriers in accessing social protection in Jordan is crucial if substantial access is to be ensured for all populations and segments of society. The pandemic has overwhelmed the social assistance programs in Jordan due to the inclusion of daily wage workers in government-funded programs.
1.2 Social Insurance Programs
Notably, Jordan's social work began as voluntary but was institutionalized after the formation of the Social Development Ministry in the 1950s to include social insurance programs. Then, the concept of social care evolved along with a set of regulations, guidelines, and legislation, and protection programs and policies through state budgets. Social insurance consists of maternity protection, social care and insurance, and insurance against death and disability. However, under the current pandemic and economic crisis, social welfare has failed to inhibit an increase in dismal poverty. Even before the Covid19, the social protection services in Jordan have been denoted by their low quality and weak performance following limited ministry resources. Besides, not all people eligible for protection have access to coverage. Awad (2016) notes that Jordan's social protection funding is impacted by economic policies adapted to control public spending. Hence, Jordan's spending on health, education, and labor declined progressively in favor of military and security expenses. The spending on these sectors declined progressively during the 2000-2010, but the massive influx of Syrian refugees has further weakened the social services.
1.3 Social Assistance Programs
The current fiscal deficit and economic crisis linked to the pandemic have put pressure on the availability of funds required to offer cash transfers and consumer subsidies. The number of applicants for social support in Jordan keeps growing even during the post-pandemic period. For instance, 300,000 households registered for the Recovery Takaful 3 program cash transfers
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