An Experimental Depression Treatment Using Electric Currents to Bring Relief (Research Paper Sample)
After deciding your research topic as a group, do the following using APA:
● Write an introduction (one page). At the end the introduction, state the purpose of your research;
○ HINT: you should start with the literature review first if you are not sure about what your research topic is or its significance.
● Write a 4 page literature review with at least 8 academic resources (Journals or credible websites .org, .edu. .gov). When writing your literature review, make sure you address the following questions:
○ What is already known in the area?
○ What is not known or what are the gaps in the existing body of knowledge?
○ What suggestions have been made for further research?
● Write 2 research questions with their corresponding hypothesis at the end of the literature review.
○ Make sure that at least one of your research questions is explanatory with a clear understanding of your independent and dependent variable.
An Experimental Depression Treatment Uses Electric Currents to Bring Relief
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An Experimental Depression Treatment Uses Electric Currents to Bring Relief.
The health issue of depression has become much better understood in recent years; however, the exact cause of depression is not yet known, although it is believed to be caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters. For this reason, depression treatments often focus on medicine to correct this chemical imbalance, but it can take several weeks before there are any effects. Scientists recently discovered that passing small electric currents through the skull immediately affects mood, with improvement being noted within hours. The electric currents are passed through four locations in the brain where it is known that depressed people's brains transmit signals more slowly than those of non-depressed people. This new treatment for depression does not require taking medication and is very effective; however, only half of the people who received it responded to it. The study's purpose was to discover why some responded well while others did not and what brain activity might predict a good response. This treatment method has received a great deal of interest and funding from pharmaceutical companies.
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