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Budgeting and analysis on nutrients in meals and ingredients itemized (Research Paper Sample)

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Budgeting and analysis on nutrients in meals and ingredients itemized Name Institution Tutor Date Budgeting and analyzing of nutrients in meals and ingredients itemized Introduction Nutrition can be referred to as the act through which an individual acquires any food material and can utilize it fully. In other context nutrition, by definition, diet or nutrition is regarded to as the process by which the living organisms obtain food from their surrounding environment (Hug, F. 2013). A human body requires right nutrients to develop energy, growth, and strength. Good nutrition is the principal factor to a healthy body. Food process primarily incorporates the digestive system since for a living organism, let’s say human beings need to have this system to extract the nutrients and digest them. Digestion process enables distribution of nutrients to the body parts and the whole body through the cell membrane. Listed table accounting for the meals acquired at the student’s center The following is an itemized table containing the meals purchased at the student’s center. The table includes the types of meals an individual planned to buy to spend $200 in a week and the different prices of the meals that on summation totaled to $200. Day Breakfast lunch dinner cost Day 1 Butter milk @$3 pan cakes @$6.52 Chicken chili and hot sour soup @ $9 Chili Con carne And egg rolls @ 11 $29 Day 2 Cereal @ $4.31 , oat milk @ $5.21 Vegetable, beef soup and steamed rice and flavored mineral water @ $7 Asian vegetable stir-fry** @ $12 $27 Day 3 Japanese broth(milk, soy) @ $9.5 Egg rolls(egg, wheat soy gluten) @ $5 Fried rice @ $ 10 pepper steak @ $3.5 $28 Thursday Home fried red skin potatoes @ $6.26, soy@ $3.26 Hot sour soup(milk egg, wheat, soy, gluten) @ $ 11.34 Cherry Cola brisket sandwich @ $8 $29 Day 5 Scrambled eggs, soy and gluten @ $9.5 Steamed rice, vegetable fried rice(fettucine noodles) @$11.25 Fettuccini/smoked turkey and vegetable beef soup @ $11.25 $32 Day 6 Japanese broth(milk, soy) @ $9.5 Hot sour soup(milk egg, wheat, soy, gluten) @$10 Cherry Cola brisket sandwich @ $8.5 $28 Day 7 Cereal, oat milk @ $3 Chicken chili and hot, sour soup AND steamed potatoes @ $12 Fried rice and pepper steak and mineral water @ $8 $27 Analysis of the nutritional value of the meals Analysis of nutritional value is the process through which the content of nutrition in food products and materials is determined. Laboratory, online and software are among the various methods used in analyzation of nutritional value food products. In the new fast food outlets and selling point have been required to disclose the nutrition values and specification of their foods in particular through the menus (Galler, J. R. 1984). Accurate information on some calories in the buffets, fruits, salad and other relevant diet information ought to be provided on the menu. To provide this information, restaurants are required to generate this information as per the law , proteins, fats, water, Carbohydrates and minerals, and vitamins are the six mains that need to be included in the diet that an individual takes in on a daily basis. Sugars bread and pasta contain carbohydrates which are supposed to constitute to fifty-eight percent of the food that is made by an individual. Proteins in animal products e.g. meat from fish cows, eggs from hens and milk products and cereals such as beans and ground nuts (McCarrison, R. 2014). To maintain a healthy diet, an individual is required to at least have forty-five to sixty grams of protein daily. Fats are a significant part of the diet. Fata is also referred to as lipids and exists in two types; saturated fats (usually in solid form and are extracted from animals and include lard and butter) and unsaturated fats (typically in liquid form and are extracted from vegetables and include olive oil, palm oil, etc.). An individual is required to consume up to sixty-five grams of fat and an equivalent amount of 20 grams of the saturated fats that are readily available since its extracted from animals. Consequently, one is supposed to take eight glasses of water in a day. There exist two types of vitamins (water soluble and fat soluble), though one is required to take the water soluble vitamins since they go through the digestive system if an individual doesn’t use them. Unlike the case of the soluble vitamins which are stored in the fat cells for usage at a later date (Ramachandran, M. 2011). Cherry cola contains significant amounts of vitamin C and !50 calories. Regarding the mains described in this context, milk and eggs are food materials rich in protein and contain phosphorous-calcium and vitamin B12. Steamed potatoes are foods with low saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Cooked vegetables are rich in vitamin C and vitamin B12, manganese, and potassium. Gluten are foods rich in minerals and v...
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