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Future Impact of Technology on Our Lives (Research Paper Sample)


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Future Impact of Technology On Our Lives
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Future Impact of Technology On Our Lives
Technology has been advancing tremendously for more than a century and is expected to advance even further. As it advances, our lives also change in different ways, both negatively and positively. Even though there have been negative impacts of technology, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Today, technology is very significant in our lives in many ways. It makes almost everything easier to accomplish and ensures that we live a better life every day. While technology is already making a positive impact in our lives today, it is expected to enhance it further in many ways within the next two decades.
One of the ways technology will enhance our lives is by improving education. Technology is currently revolutionizing the education system by making teaching and learning easier. As a result, many institutions are increasingly adopting technology in their systems. Hence, in the next twenty years, almost all institutions will have fully incorporated technological tools such as computers, smartphones, and the internet to enhance learning (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018). Through these tools, students will access educational materials online and share information among themselves easily. Instructors will also be able to deliver lectures through telecommunication networks and help students in many ways remotely. Most importantly, students will attend school remotely from any part of the world due to internet technology.
Technology will also make our lives much better by enhancing health care. The health care system requires much attention to ensure better patient outcomes which can be enabled through technological advancement. Scientists are already working on artificial intelligence (AI) technology to create drugs and design treatment plans faster than the traditional methods (Mitchell & Kan, 2019). Virtual reality is also becoming a common tool for training future surgeons and for established surgeons to practice operations (Mitchell & Kan, 2019). Other technological products such as healthcare trackers, medical sensors, robotics, nanotechnology, and genome sequencing are also being implemented in the health care industry. Due to their importance, these tools will be fully developed and adopted to enhance health care in the next twenty years. With better health care, we will experience increased life expectancy and more fulfilling lives.
Lastly, technology will make our lives much better by enhancing economic development. Through robotics, artificial intelligence, data mining, and other technologies, the economy will run more efficiently (Zhao, 2020). Advancement in technologies such as AI and robotics will enable more productive business operations due to reduced errors and increased efficiency in the production processes (Zhao, 2020). Consumers will, therefore, benefit from more superior goods and services while business owners will enjoy increased profits. Government entities will also benefit from t

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