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Social Movements. Life Sciences Research Paper Assignment (Research Paper Sample)


The task required research on different social movements in the world.


Social Movements
Institutional Affiliation
Social movements can be described as organized groupings that are meant to achieve a specific goal typically a political or social one. Some of the traits that define social movements include the level of organization, the need to transform the society. While it is clear that there are different approaches that can be used for forming social movements, it is evident that these movements are a product of industrial society and also modern political systems. Most of the current social systems are focused on improving a political system and also reforming the current political societies. Social movements have been seen as important in any given society as they help in the pursuing of progressive agenda that can help to achieve reforms and also institutional changes. The focus of this paper is to provide a discussion of three approaches to social movements while giving a focus on the feminist movements.[Nash, K. (2010). Contemporary political sociology: Globalization, politics, and power. Chichester, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell.]

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