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ERP SYSTEMS: A PEOPLE PROJECT Literature & Language Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


An ERP systems project is often referred to as a “People Project”. The majority of costs and issues associated with an ERP implementation are people related. These people issues and involve various stakeholders Understanding the implications of these issues and how they can be properly managed can have a positive impact on the success of the implementation.
Discuss the statement above and identify each of the stakeholders involved in an ERP implementation and the issues associated with each of these stakeholders. You should use case study examples (from literature searches) to demonstrate different company’s experiences.
Your task is to produce a 3000 - 4000 word research paper which discusses the issues relating to the above. The paper should demonstrate a depth and breadth of reading and should be appropriately referenced. The paper should be referenced using the Harvard referencing standards and formatted according to the approved style guide.
You must submit two documents, your assessment declaration and your report to Turnitin.
Assessment Declaration: Use the assessment declaration (coversheet) provided on VU Collaborate. Complete all sections including the Title, Assignment number, Student Name and Number and Unit. This document must be uploaded separately to your report to ensure your Turnitin similarity results are not compromised.
Your report must include the following:
Introduction: Introduction to the topic, a statement of the purpose of the report and a brief description of the report’s structure.
Body: Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives and present arguments supporting the purpose of the report. Use relevant business case studies to illustrate key points. All points must be presented with Harvard citations to high quality (journal/book) references that have a corresponding entry in your reference list.
Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the body of the report. These should match your stated purpose.
Reference list: A complete Harvard format reference list. Review the Library style guide for citation and reference list examples


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ERP Systems: A People Project
It is a an accepted fact that an ERP system is a people project, and the primary reason to claim so is that; the need of implementing and installing an ERP system, the functioning of and ERP system and the overall outcome of the installation and implementation of an ERP system – all are stakeholders-oriented, and each and every stakeholder to an organization, implementing an ERP system, has some role to play in the overall operation of the system. It is a proven fact that the majority of costs and issues that are related to an ERP implementation are stakeholders (and hence, people) related. Quite interestingly the success of an ERP system is thoroughly reliant on the understanding of how the stakeholders look up to the ERP, what are their demands, what are their needs out of and ERP, and how an ERP can be organized and implemented appeasing the specific needs of the stakeholders. There are multiple stakeholders involved in an ERP and each should be identified to understand the particular role played by the identified stakeholder in bringing about development in and ERP implementation process. Moreover, there are several issues related to stakeholders in terms of implementation of an ERP, and all such issues should be elaborated, analysed, and understood to get a deeper insight into the functioning of an effective ERP. The purpose of the report is to identify the key stakeholders that contribute to the success of an ERP implementation system and to elaborate on how their contribution eventually matters. The report would be divided into several multiple broad and sub-headings to emphasize the role of each important stakeholder in enhancing the process of ERP implementation system.

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