The Effects Of Caffeine On The Heart Rate Variability (Research Paper Sample)
This research paper presents a report from an investigation of the effects of Caffeine on the heart rate viability. the paper also recommends how effectively the consequences of these effects can be reduced.
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The Effects of Caffeine on the Heart Rate Variability.
Caffeine is a drug obtain from the coffee plant. It is a plant product found in some drugs, soft drinks and beverages, and skin ointments. As a stimulant, the drugs help in keeping individuals awake due to its influence on the neural and sensory organs in addition to the refreshing of the body. According to the report by the World Health Organization (WHO), the use of caffeine accelerate the operations of the human sensory organs thereby affecting the heartbeat rate as well as other cardiovascular organs. The effects of caffeine on heart operation are not common. This research report bridges the knowledge gap that exists in the current literature that the research perused. It discusses the effects of caffeine on the variation on heart rate. In any case, considers because of caffeine on heart rate inconstancy (HRI) are uncommon. This efficient audit outlines current discoveries of caffeine on time and recurrence area measures of HRV.
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