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An Integrated Framework for Modelling the Cloud Adoption Process for Enterprises in Europe (Research Paper Sample)

The purpose of this literature review was to explore two external strategic issues (Brexit and COVID-19) that the hospitality industry in the UK has faced, as well as two organisational challenges confronted by YO! Sushi in the UK. An in-depth analysis of the issues, which are Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, reveals their regulatory and legal effect on staff shortage and financial performance. Qualitative and quantitative data collected on issues experienced show a declining number of workers due to immigration restrictions and skills shortages potentially affecting the company’s financial returns and raising concerns about YO! Sushi’s future sustainability. The models and theories used for the analysis include STEEPLE, PESTLE, McKinsey 7s, VRIN resource-based model, and corporate social responsibility while identifying opportunities to exploit in future and potential threats that the hospitality sector needs to address post-Brexit and post-pandemic. source..
An Integrated Framework for Modelling the Cloud Adoption Process for Enterprises in Europe XXX June 2023 1933930/1 Undergraduate Major Project- Integrated Case Study XXX Literature Review Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc138442367 \h 2List of Figures PAGEREF _Toc138442368 \h 31. Abstract PAGEREF _Toc138442369 \h 12. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc138442370 \h 13. Presentation of Data PAGEREF _Toc138442371 \h 23.1.1. Brexit PAGEREF _Toc138442372 \h 23.1.2. Staff Shortage PAGEREF _Toc138442373 \h 33.1.3. COVID-19 Pandemic PAGEREF _Toc138442374 \h 43.1.4. Financial Performance PAGEREF _Toc138442375 \h 54. Presentation of Models and Theories PAGEREF _Toc138442376 \h 64.1.1. STEEPLE PAGEREF _Toc138442377 \h 64.1.2. PESTLE PAGEREF _Toc138442378 \h 64.1.3. McKinsey 7-S Model PAGEREF _Toc138442379 \h 74.1.4. VRIN: Resource-based PAGEREF _Toc138442380 \h 74.1.5. Corporate Social Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc138442381 \h 85. Discussion PAGEREF _Toc138442382 \h 85.1.1. STEEPLE PAGEREF _Toc138442383 \h 85.1.2. PESTLE on COVID-19 PAGEREF _Toc138442384 \h 95.1.3. McKinsey 7-S on Staff Shortage PAGEREF _Toc138442385 \h 105.1.4. VRIN on Financial Performance PAGEREF _Toc138442386 \h 105.1.5. Corporate Social Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc138442387 \h 11Reference List PAGEREF _Toc138442388 \h 12Appendix: Hierarchy of Sources PAGEREF _Toc138442389 \h 16Top PAGEREF _Toc138442390 \h 16Middle Top PAGEREF _Toc138442391 \h 18Middle Middle PAGEREF _Toc138442392 \h 18 List of Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: Impact of Brexit on the Hospitality Industry. Source, (Deloitte, 2021). PAGEREF _Toc138518621 \h 3 Figure 2: Occupancy level forecast for UK hotels. Source: Armstrong, 2023 PAGEREF _Toc138518622 \h 5 Figure 3: Interest paid (Author's own), based on collected data from Designated evidence. PAGEREF _Toc138518623 \h 6 Figure 4: Gross Profit (Author's own,) based on collected data from Designated evidence. PAGEREF _Toc138518624 \h 6 Figure 5: National Turnover (Author's own,) based on collected data from Designated evidence. PAGEREF _Toc138518625 \h 6 Figure 6: Profit before Tax (Author's own,) based on collected data from Designated evidence. PAGEREF _Toc138518626 \h 7 Figure 7: The McKinsey 7-S Model. Source: Thapliyal et al., 2021. PAGEREF _Toc138518627 \h 8 1. Abstract The purpose of this literature review was to explore two external strategic issues (Brexit and COVID-19) that the hospitality industry in the UK has faced, as well as two organisational challenges confronted by YO! Sushi in the UK. An in-depth analysis of the issues, which are Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, reveals their regulatory and legal effect on staff shortage and financial performance. Qualitative and quantitative data collected on issues experienced show a declining number of workers due to immigration restrictions and skills shortages potentially affecting the company’s financial returns and raising concerns about YO! Sushi’s future sustainability. The models and theories used for the analysis include STEEPLE, PESTLE, McKinsey 7s, VRIN resource-based model, and corporate social responsibility while identifying opportunities to exploit in future and potential threats that the hospitality sector needs to address post-Brexit and post-pandemic. 2. Introduction In this study, the focus is to assess two strategic issues that the hospitality industry in the UK continues to face and as well as two organisational challenges impacting YO! Sushi operations. The two issues include Brexit and COVID-19 pandemic, while the organisational challenges focus on staff shortage and financial performance. Specifically, the literature elaborates on the impact Brexit has had on staff shortage and the potential effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on YO! Sushi’s financial performance. To assess the data, four models were used including STEEPLE, PESTLE, McKinsey 7s, VRIN resource-based model, and corporate social responsibility. The quantitative and qualitative data used in the study were collected from academic databases and institutional websites: Scopus, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Raw data were recorded on an Excel file and subsequently used to organise their hierarchy in undertaking this literature review. For this study YO! A sushi restaurant is selected. YO! Sushi is a private sector company that “owns, operates, and franchises conveyor belt sushi restaurants” (Bloomberg, 2023, p. 1). In their mission, YO! Sushi defines its main business/purpose providing fresh, flavoursome, authentic Japanese sushi food. YO! Sushi also offers a wide range of hot street food including traditional classics and innovative fusion dishes, packed with natural, rich, and aromatic flavours (YO! Sushi, 2022). The company has 1,149 employees in the year 2022 (Walton, 2023). The management team includes the CEO, General Manager or Head Chef, assistant manager, and heads of departments including sales, marketing, finance, purchasing, retail operations, and group IT director (YO! Sushi, 2023a). Based in London, YO! Sushi is a multinational company that owns, operates, and franchises conveyor belt sushi restaurants, not only in the United Kingdom, but also in the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia (Bloomberg, 2023). Among its activities, YO! Sushi finds business by implementing technology amid the competitive environment. Its best technology implementation gives it varied orders and customer base (Gonzales et al., 2019). Besides, its internal IT operations enhance its capabilities through data efficiency and accuracy giving it a competitive advantage by offering low costs. The company provides a memorable experience to customers and makes sushi more approachable to its customers with a fun experience (Luke, 2021). To ensure that visitors turn into YO! For sushi lovers, the company has succeeded in doing so by establishing a modern design with an inventive and creative setting. The creative manner YO! Sushi interacts with customers through extensive social media contacts, combined with the "cool" and "techie" images, the business has successfully built a fan following for its sushi concept and activities (Gonzales et al., 2019). 3. Presentation of Data The present section presents data on strategic challenges and strategic issues. The external strategic issues discussed in subsequent sections include Brexit and COVID-19 pandemic. By contrast, the internal strategic challenges include staff shortage and financial performance. 3.1.1. Brexit The first major strategic issue the hospitality industry faced relates to Brexit and its effect on hotels and restaurants (Zakir-Hussain, 2022). Results of Deloitte’s C-suite survey in 2021 from the travel and hospitality industry showed that business leaders consider Brexit a high risk to business growth. In the medium term between 2020 and 2022, Brexit was expected to contribute to a 7% decline in business growth (MAC, 2023). The impact may further result in a 12% decline in the hospitality industry by 2025, reaching 17% in 2030. Figure 1 shows key areas impacted by Brexit in the hospitality industry including reduced business profits and revenues. The ability to invest and spend was also impacted negatively as a direct consequence of Brexit. Besides, most hotels expected a decrease in hiring and capital expenditure and an increase in cost reduction programmes (Deloitte, 2021). Yet, most hotels expressed concerns about revenue decrease and closure of some subsidies as the cost of local hiring, salaries, and wages increased. Increases in importation costs, trade barriers after leaving the EU, and challenges in acquiring raw materials further increased prices of commodities and services resulting in reduced service demand and sales among consumers (Deloitte, 2021). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Impact of Brexit on the Hospitality Industry. Source, (Deloitte, 2021). 3.1.2. Staff Shortage Brexit being the main issue had a substantial impact on staff shortage in the hospitality sector. MAC (2023) compared the most recent three-month period (Jan-April 2023) with the immediate pre-pandemic period (Jan-Mar 2020), and results showed vacancies are 27% higher in the hospitality industry. After Brexit Robin Rowland, YO! Sushi's CEO expressed concerns that London’s hospitality industry was poorly prepared for Brexit’s impacts on the labour market (Collier, 2017). Since Brexit, YO! Sushi estimates a decline in access to foreign workers with the problem accounting for an 11% staff shortage monthly (Gov.UK, 2023). As such, this creates uncertainty over the path of the labour market and economic recovery for YO! Sushi amid travel restrictions and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Saker-Clark (2020) reported the impact Brexit led on the closure of 19 YO! Sushi restaurants and retrenchment of 250 jobs. A key challenge relates to staff shortage due to visa travel restrictions. Official figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicate that staff shortages in the hospitality industry rose by 72% post-Brexit, while the number of EU employees in the sector has fallen by 26% (ONS, 2022). According to Portes (2022), YO! Sushi raised concerns regarding the government’s failure to fast-track visas for European workers. The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) claim that there is a substantial shortage of workers in the hospitality sector with a 27% drop since Brexit (Gov.UK, 2023). According to the latest MAC report, “there is little progress in improving terms and conditions” (MAC, 2023, p. 16) since pay growth is largely influenced by the statutory minimum wage. Rowland (2017) estimates that during Brexit, 44% of YO! Sushi’s employees were non-Brits from the EU. These figures declined to 27% post-Brexit further increasing the problem of hiring and retention of new employees. 3.1.3. COVID-19 Pandemic The CO...
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