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Industrial Revolution (Research Paper Sample)

Instructions You are to select an inventor and write an essay of MINIMUM 1 PAGE about how their invention has contributed to either westward expansion or the industrial revolution in the United States. This invention must be between 1750 and 1850. You must have the following: The cover page as provided here /files/8133376/Cover_Page(3).docx you only change the words in RED, Your format must be Times New Roman 12, 2 line spacing, 1 open line between paragraphs, Your essay must have an introduction, body, and conclusion, You must include a Bibliography (Harvard referencing style). DO NOT use Wikipedia! REFER TO THE RUBRIC FOR GUIDANCE. THE WRITTEN PART OF THE ESSAY (THIS EXCLUDES THE COVER PAGE, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND ANNEXURES) MUST BE AT LEAST 1 PAGE LONG, BUT NOT MORE THAN 2 PAGES. THE WRITTEN PART WILL BE THE INTRODUCTION, BODY/DISCUSSION, AND CONCLUSION. source..
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: JAMES WATT AND THE STEAM ENGINE By (Student's Name) Institution Professor Course Date Industrial Revolution: James Watt and the Steam Engine Introduction Did you know that the industrial revolution of 1750 to 1850 involved some notable figures? One of the inventors of 1750 to 1850 was James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. Notably, the steam engine invention opened up entirely a new form of application (Yun, Jung, and Yigitcanlar, 2018). Watt aided the production industry to use steam engines in operation. As a result, the engine was quickly adopted as its demand was high. James Watt, the mechanical engineer, through his improvement, contributed to the industrial revolution in America and the entire world. How the Engine Influenced the Industrial Revolution In 1775, in partnership with Mathew Boulton, James Watt created the steam engine in Britain, which later spread to the US. The collaboration produced one of the essential machines in the economic world (Yun, Jung, and Yigitcanlar, 2018). Notably, the partnership was regarded as a technical, creative center for the world economy. Watt solved technical issues and solved problems for companies. The steam engine was one of the most powerful technologies of the 18th century (Meisenzahl and Mokyr, 2012). Ultimately, Americans needed a shift from working with hands to working with machines. Machines could improve production. The steam engine, which created mechanical motion by using boiling water, offered the solution. Importantly, workers utilized the engine in several manufacturing settings. In the mining industry, first engines used water to operate. Unlike the previous engines that needed a place near water, the improved engine did not require a specific location (Yun, Jung, and Yigitcanlar, 2018). Therefore, the new steam engine was convenient even during the season where water was unavailable. The creation of steam engines improved technology and productivity and enhanced the manufacturing of smaller and efficient engines. Moreover, the steam engine was integrated with other innovations to develop the transport system (Meisenzahl and Mokyr, 2012). The steam engine made their way to farms, railways, boats, and road vehicles. Rail lines crossed countries, then later continents, which enabled the US to trade with different nations. Besides, steamships were faster than sailing ships. The innovation of boats to use engines improved sea transport and enhanced fishing, improving seafood productivity. Tractors that used steam energies implied farmers could do large scale farming. Notably, farming through machines resulted in the quality of agricultural products. Watt's invention led to the importance of factories. Americans build more factories. Moreover, the discovery related to the growth of urban areas since people moved to urban areas to work in the factories (Meisenzahl and Mokyr, 2012). Consequently, cities grew, and people started to adapt to the urban lifestyle. The steam engine proved a double-edged sword....
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