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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health Care Administrator Leader and Blameless Reporting (Research Paper Sample)


1) What is your assessment of the Patient Safety Initiative at Children’s? In particular, what do you think about blameless reporting?
2) What barriers did Morath face as she tried to encourage people to discuss medical errors more openly? How did she overcome those barriers?
3) What is your assessment of Morath’s leadership of the organizational change process at Children’s? Consider the challenges she faced at each stage of the transformation process and evaluate her effectiveness in addressing these challenges.
4) Has Morath moved prematurely to hire Dr. Knox as the new leader of the safety initiative?
5) What specifically would you recommend that Morath should do and say in the meeting with Matthew’s parents?
6) Reflect on a time during your career when you were empowered to speak up at work. Then, think of a time when you felt very uncomfortable expressing your views, asking questions, etc. What factors contributed to the atmosphere of openness? What aspects of the work environment discouraged you from speaking up?


Health care administrator leader
1 What is your assessment on Patient Safety initiative at Children’s? In particular, what do you think about blameless reporting?
Patient Safety Initiative at Children’s is a good initiative since there is a kind of freedom and doctors are not working under any pressure or fear of being disciplined in case they make accidents in their field. The doctors should assume the children are their own and due to this, they will avoid any errors to save the life of the children but not working under the fear of facing disciplinary action if they commit any errors. Due to this, the doctors will be motivated, and they will find it easy to reduce errors.
1 What barriers did Morath face as she tried to encourage people to discuss medical errors more openly? How did she overcome those barriers?
The main challenge she faced was that the doctors were afraid of the families of the affected victims. Doctors were scared of discussing medical errors openly because the family of the victim may sue them to the court and also face some disciplinary action from the organization. She overcame these barriers by introducing patient safety dialogues, blameless reporting,
language, and disclosure policy. Through this policies the clinical officers learned how to minimize errors, blameless reporting where the is no disciplinary action taken against those errors, the good language used example ‘examination' instead of ‘investigation' on errors and disclosure policy is that the families of the affected were given true information on what happened.
2 What is your assessment on Morath’s leadership on the organization change process on children's? Consider the challenges she faced at each stage of the transformation process and evaluate her effectiveness in addressing these challenges.
Morath has good leadership qualities following the fact despite all the challenges she faced she still made it. For one she had to endure and convince the nurses to discuss openly any errors committed this was a major step in her career process. She was also very intelligent such that she came up with her way of solving this problem of making errors in a different way other than what the other clinical officers though it was right. When many clinical officers were thinking of forcing disciplinary actions to those who commit errors she came up with an idea to encourage these nurses to learn from other's mistakes and rectify them. This shows that she is innovative.
3 Has Morath moved prematurely to hire Dr. Knox as the new leader of safety initiative?
No. Morath has not moved prematurely it was only that she had a lot of work to do such that she could not handle all the work by herself, due to this she had to employ someone who was also oriented in saving live. Since she had already made a firm foundation on the safety initiative where she had already seen the fruits her initiative had already grown mature. Dr .Knox is also capable of running the initiative to the end as Morath expected and come up with new resolutions too.
4 What specifically would you recommend that Morath should do and say in the meeting with Matthewâ€&tr...
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