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3 pages/≈825 words
5 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Leadership and Management in Nursing Health, Medicine, Nursing Paper (Research Paper Sample)


the discussion of leadership and management in nursing, organizational structures and collaboration and CONTINUOUS improve of HIGH QUALITY services.
double spaced


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Leadership and Management in Nursing
Leadership is very essential in nursing organizations because the leaders carry out major roles in the organization to ensure a smooth run of the organization. Good leadership and management in nursing involve a favorable working environment for the workers and always focuses on the improvement of quality along with direct participation in the clinic and also ensuring that all staff in the clinic are motivated and empowered to produce the best quality services. Health Centre have philosophy and goals to achieve in clinics, including who deserves health care, the basis for calculating the cost of treatment, perimeters for clinical trials and how can health care be administered to a large number of people; in addition to this, the main aim of health care philosophy is to consolidate the abundance of information concerning the fields of biotechnology and nursing.
Every health care organization has objectives to provide high-quality services, ensure there is compassionate customer service, ethics and compliance and community value. An effective health organization structure must include the responsibilities, rules, and roles with the various individuals taking part in those functions, this ensures the workers take their roles effectively and as expected to achieve their objectives (Parker, 345). The organization structure also illustrates the relations and relative ranks of jobs in the organization more so, the organizational structure with good management is very essential in influencing people to work together, making decisions, creates a sense of a mission and solving disputes in the organization. A collaborative leader is also required for effective and efficient results in the organization; this kind of a leader always solves a conflict in a productive manner, spends time to create a strong relationship with workers and shares control with others.

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