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Non Human Pirates Social Sciences Research Paper Essay (Research Paper Sample)


Do non-human primates have culture? Discuss studies of non-human primate behavior and the evidence for the development of culture, or 'proto-culture' among non-human primates


Non-Human Primates
Non-human primates have been observed and noted to have a close relationship with human beings. For instance, the close genetic relationship between human beings and non-human primates enables particular pathogens such as B Virus, rabies, and tuberculosis to be transmitted between the two species. Notwithstanding this closeness, human beings are more intelligent and sophisticated with regards to culture as compared to non-human primates. Albeit this is true, non-human primates have been discovered through various researches by primatologists to have specific behavioral practices that vary between different species. These behaviors can be transmitted between different species as in the case of human beings who share culture through social learning.

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