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Learning Through Games Using Courseware for Secondary School Students (Research Proposal Sample)


The task was a research proposal. This research proposal has outlined the potential benefits of using multimedia games as a learning tool for secondary school students. While more research is needed to confirm these results, the current data suggest that games can help improve educational outcomes. Additionally, games can provide a fun and engaging learning environment that can motivate students to stay engaged in their studies.


Learning Through Games Using Multimedia Courseware for Secondary School Students
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Games are increasingly becoming an important part of our culture. The explosive popularity of mobile games like Angry Birds or Words with Friends has helped grow the industry. The videogames market was valued at $198.40 billion in 2021, and it is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8.94 percent from 2022 to 2027 to reach $ 339.95 billion this is according to Mordor Intelligence. However, many people still do not see gaming as a serious tool for learning, even though recent studies have shown that students who play digital games in school tend to perform better than students who do not (Nusir et al., 2012). Game-based learning, or gaming to promote learning and education, has been among the most popular topics in the educational community over the past several years. The idea that students can learn better and more easily by using interactive games as part of their classroom experience has grown from an interesting concept to a full-blown movement as more and more teachers have discovered its power to inspire, entertain, motivate, and keep kids engaged in their lessons (Ching, 2013). However, just how effective are games at promoting learning? Furthermore, do certain types of games work better than others? Is there such thing as an optimal gaming environment for educational purposes?
According to two studies, up to 40% of the UK population do not exercise enough to be considered active, despite over 50% of British adults being overweight or obese (Public Health England, 2017). This discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that some people find it hard to start physical activity, while others find it difficult to maintain their routines. Using games in combination with multimedia courseware can make physical activity more interesting and fun for students of all ages. It can help them create lasting habits of regular physical activity that they can incorporate into their daily lives well into adulthood. Additionally, multimedia courseware can be used to teach a variety of subjects, including math, science, and English. Learning through games is one type of multimedia courseware that has received much attention.
1.2 Background of Research
In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of incorporating games into education. This is due to the growing body of research that suggests learning through games can be more effective than traditional methods. Using multimedia courseware designed to be engaging and interactive, students can learn in a fun and stimulating environment. Additionally, this type of software can be customized to fit the needs of each learner. The content can be modified based on the student’s age, grade level, and interests. With these features, it is easy to see why many teachers are looking for ways to incorporate gaming into their classrooms.
1.3 Problem Statement 
In recent years, there has been an increased focus on using multimedia courseware in secondary schools. However, little research has been done on the effectiveness of this type of learning. Because of the inadequacy of research on the benefits of learning through games using multimedia courseware for secondary school students, this study investigates multimedia courseware's impact on secondary school students' academic performance. Also, this study aims to fill this gap in the literature by investigating the effects of learning through games on academic achievement, attitudes, and social skills. The following research questions will be addressed:
* What are the effects of learning through games on academic achievement? 
* What are the effects of learning through games on attitudes?
1.4 Research Objective
This research investigates learning through games for secondary school students. A quantitative study will collect data on students’ attitudes towards learning through games. The findings are expected to contribute to developing multimedia courseware for secondary school students. Additionally, the data is expected to provide insights into learners’ motivation and feelings towards learning through games. These insights could result in educators using multimedia courseware to enhance student engagement and motivation levels when using various teaching methods and materials.
1.5 Research Question
What are the benefits of learning through games using multimedia courseware for secondary school students? We will conduct a quantitative study with a sample of 100 secondary school students. We will measure the students' test scores before and after using the multimedia courseware and their attitudes towards learning. We hypothesize that students who use multimedia courseware will learn more and have more positive attitudes towards learning.
1.6 Scope of Study
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of learning through games on secondary school students. In particular, we will be looking at how multimedia courseware can be used to improve student engagement and academic performance. To do this, we will conduct a quantitative research study with a sample of secondary school students. We hope that by better understanding the benefits of learning through games, we can develop more effective educational tools that can help improve student outcomes.
1.7 Conclusion 
Through some of the few research available, there are assumptions that there are many benefits to using multimedia games as a learning tool for secondary school students. For example, students who use these games improve their academic performance and develop important life skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. In addition, some researchers have proposed that multimedia games can be used to teach various subjects, making them an invaluable resource for educators. In this research, we intend to investigate these findings.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction 
To get the most out of educational games, students need to learn how to solve problems with fewer directions than are typically provided in traditional classroom settings. One of the biggest benefits of using video games in education is that they provide players with instant feedback, which allows them to learn at their own pace and continue playing the game until they have mastered the concepts presented by the game creator (Wahab, 2006). A paper published by (Nuraini & Shahbodin, 2016) in the ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences discusses the design and development of multimedia courseware using a personalized learning environment approach for nutrition topics, and multimedia courseware may be used to help students learn through games effectively. The authors discuss three studies that use game-based learning to teach different topics in secondary school and a related study on the value of using play-based learning, particularly with technology and computers. Although these studies were conducted in Malaysia, their methodology may be generalizable to other countries, including the United States, where similar research has been conducted and successful programs exist to help improve students’ academic skills through technology-related games and online content.
2.2 Literature Review 
It is widely accepted that games can be an effective educational tool, with many studies demonstrating their positive effects on everything from cognitive skills to problem-solving abilities (Ussher et al., 2014). However, there is still debate over the best way to incorporate games into the classroom. Some believe the most effective approach is the multimedia courseware blends game-based learning with traditional instructional methods. A 2013 study published in the International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications found that using multimedia courseware in video games can help improve learning outcomes for secondary school students. The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Hong Kong, looked at the effects of using the educational game Mission US on a group of 487 students. The results showed that those who played the game had significantly better results on a test measuring knowledge about American history than those who did not play the game.
While there is evidence that multimedia courses benefit student performance, this study was limited to one game and its effect on one topic. Future studies must examine the long-term benefits of these lessons and multimedia courseware such as movies or graphic novels. If teachers want to use this type of lesson in their classroom, they should be sure to allow ample time before testing students so that they have time to absorb the material. Games may provide a way to motivate students who might otherwise struggle with more traditional forms of education (Kaewkiriya, 2013). It can also be used as a starting point for discussions on various topics without having to teach everything. One drawback is that most games designed for learning purposes are targeted toward younger children, while teachers would prefer lessons appropriate for older kids (Nuraini & Shahbodin, 2016). Another concern is whether the skills learned through these programs carry over into real-life situations and how much value they will have outside school.
It is widely accepted that multimedia courseware can potentially increase student engagement and learning outcomes. This multimedia can be even more powerful in conjunction with games (Nusir et al., 2012). Numerous studies have shown that playing games can lead to improved problem-solving skills, increased creativity, and enhanced motor skills. Moreo...

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