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Post teaching practice research proposal (Research Proposal Sample)

The project looked to investigate the reasons of failure in mathematics at taranganya boys whereby several aspects such as limited time and wide syllabus coverage were noted. It was suggested that introduction of past class time teaching could help solve this issue.The aspect of Fostering correct attitude towards mathematics was also emphasized. source..
EFFECTS 0F WORKFORCE DIVERSITY ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT KENYA PIPELINE COMPANY 1.1 Introduction This chapter contains the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, the research questions, significance of the study, limitations and the scope of the study. 1.2 Background of the study Globally, institutions in both developing and developed nations have acknowledged workforce diversity as a major issue of challenge in the human resource sector due to globalization (Zhuwao, 2017). Contemporary workforce of institutions is made up of various individuals across varying culture and background as a result of increasing mobility, technology enhancement and immigration (Kandpal, 2015). In handling of increasing diversity level emanating from the modern personnel, programs for managing diversity which are utilized have grown steadily and led to a diverse workforce (Kunze et al 2013). In human resources, the existing trends; ageing workforce, increasing rate of women entering the job market which is accompanied with young upcoming generation emanating from both developing and developed nations has made organizations to have a change regarding the way of life for purposes of suiting and accommodating the current workforce. Africa among other continents is struggling in transforming itself within the global competitive environment against demands inherent in socio-national institutions. In the current economy, it is therefore important that issues relating to regional identities are relooked so as to stimulate regional growth and development. African nations in general are notably highly diverse in terms of ethnicity. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2011) documented that in the case where language used as ethnic identity proxies, Nigeria was based on more than 470 languages, Sudan (both South and North)hundred and forty-two (242) languages, Gambia such a small country having ten (10) languages and Ethiopia having eighty-nine (89) languages. There also exists some diversity in terms of religion. In the Kenyan scenario, the Kenya School of Government (KSG) as indicated in the quality assessment and performance improvement strategy report (2014) was marred by challenges as regards to its employees. Employees of KSG were seen to display low morale in the work place that resulted to lower productivity levels therefore, bringing about a decline in the satisfaction of customers by a significant level in 2012/2013 of 73% to 65% in 2013/2014. Conversely, it further reported some recommendations which institutions ought to change in their HR strategy however, with more emphasize on workers training on current and trending issues (Odhiambo, Gachoka & Rambo, 2018). Eliminate nepotism, impartiality and as well as unfairness in the work environment, the report added (Darwin, 2015). Embracing diversity in organizations stands as a vital tool for sustainability as it provides enablement for the organization to utilize fully the untapped talents gifts and ideas which employees possess that in turn ensure performances of organizations. Fabian (2015) opines that workforce diversity entails the total differences and similarities of people in a work environment in an organization (Finn, 2015).Workforce diversity includes age, educational background, culture, gender and age. Workforce diversities have positive results on policies and performances within the work environment. Employee performance The term "performance" relates to implementing of various functional burdens of duties and responsibilities by employees in a work place (Uchhal & Solkhe, 2017). Durga (2017) assert that performances refer to the process of executing duty or achievement or task. The performances of employees refer to the level by which an employee fulfills the job roles or requirements assigned effectively for purposes of having good results. Employee performance is viewed in various ways(Odhiambo et al., 2018). The first is when the output of employees attains the standard of performances as set by customers of the organization. Secondly, performance of employees relates to how the social processes used in carrying out tasks maintains or enhances employee’s capability for working together in the institution of future group task. Also, that the personal needs of employees are considered or addressed rather than frustrating them through performances of groups. Different dimensions can be used relating to rating or evaluation of performances (Darwin, 2015). Management of organizations may have more interest on employee output whereas on the other hand, employees’ interest may be on having for themselves a productive environment (Elsaid, 2012). Positive outcome is expected between employee performance and diverse knowledge, expertise, experience and skills. Employee output, employee efficiency and employee commitment were the indicators of employee performances considered in this research. Work Force Diversity Employee discrimination has direct and indirect influences of locking potential talents, underutilizing the employees and subsequently losing the financial benefits of having them retained. Efficient management of diversity enhances the self-esteem of employees and also improves their feeling of belongingness in the workplace most notably in the case where an individual belongs to a minority group (Kunze et al., 2013). This therefore implies that organizations, profits, market share, competitiveness and human capital international markets dependent on the level by which they embrace and adopt workforce diversity. Therefore, a positive workforce diversity climate improves the commitment and job satisfaction in the work place. As such, workforce diversity relates to the differences and similarities of employees in a work environment which has influences on their relationship and interactions in the work environment such as culture, age, education and gender. Gender diversity is a key component of work force diversity. Inequalities relating to gender in the work place are justified, reinforced and characterized by biases and stereotypes which describe positive characteristics and in turn allocate to male employee’s higher statuses (Zhuwao, 2017). Most organizations are favourably disposed to hiring male workers as against their female counter parts which is due to the perception that male employees have higher productivity, output and thus capacity to handle jobs. Emiki and Eunmi (2009) opine that a large component of diversity in the workforce diversity will not be effective in the scenario where issues relating to gender- based inequalities and not identified and managed appropriately. Abbas and Hameed(2010) asserted that males have upper hand in terms of hiring or employment as compared to women. There also exists the discrimination of women in terms of salaries and job promotion. In some cases, female superintendent that replace their male counter parts receive lower level of remuneration (salary). In general, gender-based inequalities impact on the performance of employees and in turn the overall productivity of organizations. Cultural diversity in the work environment also impacts on the performances of employees (Ahmed & Wario, 2013). Pitts et al. (2010) documented that organizations have been characterized by increasing diversity along ethnic lines which in turn has brought to attention on the interaction between different groups in the work environment. The private sector is characterized by more cultural diversity related issues which impacts on the interactions in the workplace and outcomes of organizations. Timmermans (2011) indicated that diversity in ethnicity or culture can expectedly be positive towards innovative performances as it expands the perspectives and perception in the organizations. Timmermans further revealed that some cultural diversity levels in the work place may positively relate with innovation, however, high culture diversity levels may negatively relate with performance due to the fact that it can bring about clashes and conflicts as a result of social categorization. Age diversity refers to a phenomenon shared which remains in existence across almost all the groupings which include higher institutions, families, team or work groups and sport teams having members with different ages (Kunze et al 2009). Growing age diversities have therefore become part of most institutions. Individuals are seen to categorize themselves by identifying with certain as informed by dimensions which are have personal relevance to them in line with their social identity (Kunze et al 2013). Consequently, individuals seem to give preferential treatment to members from the group which they belong which may be at the expenses those in other groups (Finn, 2015). In turn, in the case where the age of workers is seen to be a distinction criterion used, an organization may then experience differentiation between age groups, which subsequently fosters discrimination which can be age based with the various group of age and as well as emotional conflicts. 1.2.1. Background information of Kenya Pipeline Company Kenya Pipeline Company is a state –owned cooperation in Kenya in Kenya which deals with transportation of petroleum products from refineries to storage facilities up to the different distribution centers across the country. It was started in 1973 under Companies Act (Cap 486)of the Laws of Kenya( KPC Act, 2014).It operates under Ministry of Petroleum and Mining. It Operates approximately 2000 km across Kenya. It main pipeline runs from Mombasa to Nairobi. The storage facilities are in Nairobi,Mombasa,Nakuru,Eldoret,Kisumu.As of 2021 the number of employees were 1200. The company has faced many challenges over the years and the most common ones is pipeline leakages which leads to financial loses and pose as environmental and safety risks. There has been va...
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