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Proposal for Environmental Responsibility (Research Proposal Sample)
Proposal for Environmental Responsibility
From:Nittaya Campbell
Date:08 August 2014
To:Emily Smith
Subject:Proposal for Environmental Responsibility
Attachment: proposal_for_environmental_responsibility_at_the_dairy_plant_in_Waitako_region_format.docx
Dear Ms Emily Smith,
It is truly a pleasure to work for you Ms Emily Smith; everyday here is a new learning experience for me. I am also proud to be part of the great team that has greatly improved the dairy sales in the past year. I however, just have one concern, that of our waste management system.
Our company does not have a proper system to properly dispose of the waste from the plant and that could be a contributing factor to the ill-health of the environment around our dairy plant. I, being a keen environmentalist, would like to propose that a waste management policy be implemented in the company. The policy could include simple tasks such as disposing rubbish in the respective receptacles to complex tasks such as recycling our own rubbish. Whatever the effort, it will go a long way in ensuring that the environment is protected.
I strongly believe the environment is ours all and we should all take care of it. We should also take responsibility of our action either against or for the environment. I made it a personal goal of mine to do my best to conserve the environment such that if ‘Mother Nature’ were to ask me if I did my best to save the environment, I would say I did. Wouldn’t you want to say the same?
I have attached a copy of my proposal for your review and I look forward to your favorable response.
Kind Regards,
Nittaya Campbell
Proposal for Environmental Responsibility at the Dairy Plant in Waikato Region
Situation: In the current world, recycling is not only something done so as to maintain corporate responsibility, it is a trend. However, our dairy plant has no recycling policy. All waste from the plant and the offices is all thrown in the same receptacles. Scraps from the dairy plant are thrown out in the trash bins which later stench up the entire plant when they begin to decay. The back of the plant where all the trash is thrown is in an unfathomable state. The stench is unbearable. It is a hub for flies and other mosquitoes which in turn attack the employee-families living within the environment.
Proposed Solution: A .proper recycling policy should be created and implemented in the organization. Bins should be properly labeled and used accordingly. Bio-degradable material should be properly disposed and the non-degradable material should be recycled. Employees should also be trained on the importance of taking these measures. This way, they can employ the same measures in their homes.
Date:08 August 2014
To:Emily Smith
Subject:Proposal for Environmental Responsibility
Attachment: proposal_for_environmental_responsibility_at_the_dairy_plant_in_Waitako_region_format.docx
Dear Ms Emily Smith,
It is truly a pleasure to work for you Ms Emily Smith; everyday here is a new learning experience for me. I am also proud to be part of the great team that has greatly improved the dairy sales in the past year. I however, just have one concern, that of our waste management system.
Our company does not have a proper system to properly dispose of the waste from the plant and that could be a contributing factor to the ill-health of the environment around our dairy plant. I, being a keen environmentalist, would like to propose that a waste management policy be implemented in the company. The policy could include simple tasks such as disposing rubbish in the respective receptacles to complex tasks such as recycling our own rubbish. Whatever the effort, it will go a long way in ensuring that the environment is protected.
I strongly believe the environment is ours all and we should all take care of it. We should also take responsibility of our action either against or for the environment. I made it a personal goal of mine to do my best to conserve the environment such that if ‘Mother Nature’ were to ask me if I did my best to save the environment, I would say I did. Wouldn’t you want to say the same?
I have attached a copy of my proposal for your review and I look forward to your favorable response.
Kind Regards,
Nittaya Campbell
Proposal for Environmental Responsibility at the Dairy Plant in Waikato Region
Situation: In the current world, recycling is not only something done so as to maintain corporate responsibility, it is a trend. However, our dairy plant has no recycling policy. All waste from the plant and the offices is all thrown in the same receptacles. Scraps from the dairy plant are thrown out in the trash bins which later stench up the entire plant when they begin to decay. The back of the plant where all the trash is thrown is in an unfathomable state. The stench is unbearable. It is a hub for flies and other mosquitoes which in turn attack the employee-families living within the environment.
Proposed Solution: A .proper recycling policy should be created and implemented in the organization. Bins should be properly labeled and used accordingly. Bio-degradable material should be properly disposed and the non-degradable material should be recycled. Employees should also be trained on the importance of taking these measures. This way, they can employ the same measures in their homes.
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