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Research Proposal
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Gambling and Drug Addiction Affect the Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decision Making (Research Proposal Sample)

Gambling and Drug Addiction Affect the Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decision Making Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Gambling and Drug Addiction Affect the Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Decision Making Introduction Undoubtedly, various researchers have focused on neuroscience studies that involve the investigation of the way people make decisions. These studies range from the inspection of individuals who are diagnosed with focal brain damage, as a result, portray low levels of decision-making abilities. New hypotheses or suggestions in the discipline of psychology delving in the neural system, as well as cognitive underpinnings, have emerged, and researchers have tried to determine the relationship that exists between brain health and the way it carries out the task of decision making. As such, previous studies have highlighted the need to determine the relationship that dependence and addiction of substances have on the neuro-cognitive mechanisms of decision-making. Naturally, decision making incorporates the most cognitive processes that allow individuals of various backgrounds to make a selection on the preferred course of action. More often, the process is undertaken after carefully considering the availability of other existing alternatives. Unfortunately, the efficiency of the brain is influenced by the increased levels of substance dependence and addiction (Groome & Eysenck, 2016. In such a way, this is evidenced when those patients with impaired abilities are admitted to hospitals and later referred to rehabilitation centers for drug abstinence and monitoring. Notably, this study will try to argue that there is a gap in the neurocognitive decision-making abilities of gamblers who show a significant failure to implement the prediction of the adverse effects of gambling. On that note, this research paper proposes that there is also need to carry out relevant studies concerning how both substance addiction and dependence affect neurocognitive decision making even after rehabilitation. In particular, this research proposal will bring forth the rationale, aims, objectives, literature review, and the methodology. Rationale The performance of many people is influenced by their ability to make appropriate decisions. Moreover, the flexibility and modification of the goal-oriented behaviors demand that the adaptive cognitive systems be modified to suit the needs that select contextual and more relevant information to assist individuals in the society to understand how neurocognitive mechanisms can affect the manner at which decisions are made and implemented (Heeren et al, 2013). Brains are made up of cells whose functions focus on controlling the various systems in the bodies of human beings. In correspondence, using viable knowledge of neuroscience and psychology is relevant for this study since it will be of great use for other researchers of culture and aging to follow (Park & Gutchess, 2006). This is because it will lay a good foundation. Patients with substance addiction and dependence exhibit varied levels of brain performance as a result of brain damaging effects of the drugs they consume such as cannabis weed (marijuana). These people may possess a lower tendency to establish recovery since average intelligence would require configuration over an extended period However, this is an ideal situation that this research proposal will try to disagree with it since it argues that the neurocognitive mechanism of decision making is highly affected by drug addiction as well as dependence. Evidently, this research will be substantial since it will help individuals to realize the adverse effects that substance addiction and gambling have on decision-making processes. Aims of the Research The goal of this study is to examine the rate at which substance abuse and dependence affect neurocognitive mechanisms of decision making. Besides, this study will try to determine the ability of organized gamblers to enhance the flexibility of making predictions while gambling. The study will seek to educate the community on the topic of neuroscience. Research Objectives Evidently, this research shall be conducted based on the following objectives: * To understand how the neural system relates to the manner in which individuals make decisions. * To investigate the role of the neurocognitive mechanisms towards the making of decisions among substance addicts. * To determine a technique that will be used for data analysis. * To examine the performance of individuals in rehabilitation centers to draw compelling conclusions on the impacts of neurocognitive impairment. Literature Review Individuals exposed to neuropsychiatric disorders related to substance addiction as well as its dependence may exhibit an altered pattern during decision-making processes. Such abnormalities are associative with behavioral changes. However, such impairments of the brain are unknown (Reisberg, 2015). The neurocognitive mechanism of decision making is vital in the lives of all individuals belonging to different backgrounds. Some professionals have carried out the inspection of the impacts that neurocognitive mechanisms have on the level of decision making. Research done by Gold and Shadlen (2007) argues that most common elements involve the implementation of values such as deliberation and commitment. To be precise, the authors achieved to evaluate the current progress in understanding how fundamental aspects of the brain are essential in making decisions (Bechara, 2005). Zois et al (2014) argued that only disordered gambling is associated with the impairment of the brain since those who are involved showcased little performance when it comes to the making right decisions. The malfunctioning of an organ called the ventromedial prefrontal cortex results from the disorderliness that is occasionally reported when gamblers engage in the gambling processes either for leisure or commercialization. As such, no study has solely delved on the contributions that gambling alone without chaos could cause decreased abilities of individuals to make flexible decisions. Impairment in the neurocognitive mechanism of decision-making manifests itself in people who are addicts of certain drugs such as marijuana (Amodio et al, 2007). This brings forth the knowledge concerning how poor decision-making strategies have a close relation to the addiction of a particular drug. However, this research proposes that the rate at which the neural system of a human being deteriorates the ability to make good decisions does not vary from one substance to another. Rather, it may be the same. Methodology First and foremost, the research will involve the sampling of the data from participants who will take part in the study. For this case, it will comprise of 85 individuals between the age of 18 and 70 years. The major recruitment process shall be th...
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