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Research Proposal
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Using Blogs in Teaching ESL/EFL Writing (Research Proposal Sample)
The purpose of this research is to investigate how tutors teaching ESL/EFL can use blogs as one of the most effective ways of improving their students’ writing skills.
Research Proposal
Institution of Learning
Research Proposal
Title: Using Blogs in Teaching ESL/EFL Writing
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate how tutors teaching ESL/EFL can use blogs as one of the most effective ways of improving their students’ writing skills. Blogging usually involves writing content and posting them so that our audience can read them. Therefore, it is important to understand blogs features, benefits as well as its effectiveness when it comes to teaching of ESL/EFL. This research will be guided by this thesis statement, "blogs improve ESL/EFL students writing capabilities through helping them to express their ideas correctly and clearly." In order to complete my research process a number of research questions will guide the process of data collection. Thus, the following research questions will guide the research process;
* What are web blogs and how do they work?
* What are the important features of blogs and how does they related to the teaching of EFL/ESL writing?
* What are the benefits/ advantages of using blogs in teaching of ESL/EFL writing?
* What are some of the existing challenges of using blogs as a tool of teaching EFL/ESL writing in a classroom context?
Background: My main interest in the topic of research is to understand how blogs work, and how they can be used as a tool in teaching EFL writing, and their effectiveness in ensuring students with good writing skills are nurtured by a teacher by the end of the day. Over the years blogs have ...
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