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review (Research Proposal Sample)

Directions: Thesis Proposals: Introduction Statement of the problem / thesis question Purpose of the study Identify limitations of study (Each of these need only be a paragraph or more) 2. Literature Review and Methodology Briefly review existing literature on the subject. Produce a narrative review of the literature, indicating what has been written on your topic and how this literature will shape your research. You need not have read all of the material in this review at this stage, but should have identified the key texts, authors, and state of research in your area (2 pages) Identify your methodology, including quantitative data analysis procedures (if applicable). How will you build on the existing literature? (paragraph or more) Design of the investigation including tentative chapter breakdown 3. Annotated Bibliography Two to five sentences summarizing the argument of the article/book and its pertinence to your research (12-20 sources that you have consulted up to this point) This is a follow up assignment. This was the instructions to the first assignment: I've attached my thesis proposal which is: The history of the MET's fashion installations as art exhibitions how they impact the public’s perspective on culture and community -MET galla, how it came to be, the fashion exhibitions that the Met has had over time Here is the information on how to get onto the courses website where you can see the course modules. Please use these instructions to sign onto canvas- everything is in the lectures. You're going to go onto this website- Hover over students & alumni then click on canvas log in log in username/email: password: Anamaria1! from there, you'll see the dashboard. You'll click on courses the course is Research Methods, all the lectures are in modules. please let me know if you have any more questions thank you! For resources, only use resources that will be used for the actual paper. This paper is supposed to be based off of my own ideas- just follow the directions please and if you have any questions, please write me. I have attached the first assignment. You need to base off the final proposal and literature review off of the proposal I have attached. I am also attaching the comments made by the professor. Please follow his comments. If you have any questions- please message me. They need to be scholarly sources. source..
FINAL PROPOSAL AND LITERATURE DIRECTIONS Name Class Due Date Introduction Statement of the problem There is a connection that exists between art and fashion. Most researchers have paid attention to the way culture and art impacts fashion. There exists few studies depicting how fashion and art impacts culture. There also exist few studies on the impacts of fashion on culture and community perspectives. There is therefore the need of carrying out a research to fill this research gap. There is the need of investigating the commercial value of collaborative products of fashion and art. Carrying out an analysis on ho current fashion exhibitions have evolved to become exhibitions of art will play a significant role towards filling this research gap. Purpose of the study   The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation that exists between art and history. It aims at investigating the evolution of fashion exhibitions alongside the increasing importance of funding museums. The research will also explore ways in which fashion is connected to every aspect of individuals’ lives. Through this investigation, the research will bring to light the cultural importance associated with fashion and art. Limitations of study   Given that the study will use a qualitative method of study, there are some limitations which are associated with it. The process of collecting data will be time consuming since it cannot be completed in one day. It will take the researcher some time to collect data concerning various exhibitions carried out over the past number of years. 2. Literature Review and Methodology Fashion and art exhibitions have had a complex and long history which has been evolving with the dynamic demands if the society and at the same time posing a challenge on those demands. The exhibitions in their nature, holds a mirror up to communities, reflecting the concerns and interests of the community and at the same time challenging the community’s preconceptions and ideologies. Some literature exists concerning fashion art installations as art exhibitions and their correlation with cultural perspectives. Geczy (2011) analyzed the relationship between art and fashion. According to the, fashion has been popularizing art since the 20th century. This is unlike the previous years. In their paper, they provide examples of fashion exhibits that have influenced the fashion and art industry. A review of literature carried out by Susanne (2016) concerning arts and regeneration reveals that community art projects occur in diverse parts of the world, helping individuals to develop their skills and express themselves through participation. The community empowerment through arts increases the globalization’s adverse excesses. Similarly, Vrencoska (2015) carried out a study that investigated museum fashion exhibitions from the perspective of the designers. The study analyses the benefits and opportunities of fashion exhibitions towards the authors. The study found that museum fashion exhibitions allow designers to present their explorations in art, their processes of creativity, complexity, collaborations and storytelling. The exhibitions are a new platform of communicating with the audience and allow the designers to take part in providing works that are part of some cultural experiences of the visitors. Another study conducted by Miller (2007) explored the ways in which fashion is an art. According to the study, clothes can provide a subject of historical research the same way art does. Similarly, fashion fulfills the primary function of dimension, the same way that architecture does. The collaboration between fashion and art opens up ways of critically exploring how representations worlds come into existence (Crewe, 2016). The collaboration also offers an understanding on how activities that are creative can be a reflection of the broader, economic, cultural and social concerns. The collusions and collisions between fashion and art represent the main ways of shaping and making brand value and commodity. Other studies have explored the impacts of fashion art exhibitions in the context of culture. Fashion exhibitions significantly contribute to the sense of fashion as culture since fashion products, especially clothing are worn with closeness to humanity (Norgrando & Mota, 2013). In the refashion exhibitions and culture, there is an apparent relationship between the aesthetic conceptions of people attending the exhibitions and the exhibitions being visited. During the process of acquiring meaning in the context of museums, the collection through fashion’s aesthetic and artistic appeal is transformed into a wide context. Another study carried out by calinao, Jason & Lin (2016) explored the potential of cultural tourism of fashion-based exhibitions. Using the case of Alexander McQueen, the study finds that fashion exhibitions serves well in attracting and enriching the cultural awareness of tourists both internationally and locally. Special exhibitions were also highlighted as having the potential to increase cultural tourism once the visitors acquire insights on the culture of the city from which the exhibition is held. Methodology The proposed research study will use a qualitative design of study. Data will be collected from various fashion exhibitions that have been conducted over the centuries. through this data it will be possible to analyze how contemporary art and fashion builds upon traditional art and fashion. Content analysis will be used to analyze the data collected where evaluations will be carried out on several pieces of images. The first chapter of the research will be the introduction which will bring to light a discussion of the background of the study, the problem statement, research questions; significance of the study and need of the study. The second chapter will be the literature review which will include a discussion of various literatures that exists concerning the topic under study. The third chapter will be the methodology chapter discussing the methodologies undertaken in the study. The fourth chapter will be composed of the results and findings of the study while the fifth chapter will contain the discussion and conclusions of the study. Annotated Bibliography Farsani, N. T., & Jamshidi, H. M. An investigation of the positive impacts of traditional fashion tourism. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 13(3), (2021): 298-313. In this research study, the authors investigate how the fashion industry impacts the tourism sector. Portraying fashion as a symbol of culture and art, the authors explores how the fashion and art have contributed towards sustainable tourism . Giannini, T., & Bowen, J. Ps. Curating digital life and culture: Art and information. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, (2016): 237-244. The authors explore how the gap between real life and digital life continues to fade in the context of arts and culture. They also explore how the increased use of technology and digital tools in culture and arts is changing the traditional practices of curatorial. Liberato, D., e Mendes, B. B., & Liberato, P. The Importance of Fashion Events in the City of Oporto: The Fashion Industry Perspective. In International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems, (2010): 280-292). Springer, Singapore. This is a research study exploring the mutual impact between fashion events alongside their development to the fashion industry. It presents a discussion of the positive impacts brought to light by fashion events towards the tourism sector. MacKenzie, M. Fashion Cultures, (2014). This paper presents a discussion of a fashion cultures program which is celebrated to portray the role played by fashion towards culture with specific reference to the city of Glasgow. The paper acknowledges the pleasure taken by people while dressing up alongside the strong ties in culture that exist between art, fashion and music. Madden, C. Indicators for arts and cultural policy: A Global perspective. Cultural Trends, 14(3), (2005): 217-247. This research paper ring to light the argument that, when cultural indicators are improved, a better understanding of the nature of activities related to art is also acquired. The author explored the indicators of culture and ways through which the articulation of arts and culture can be improved. Markusen, A., & Gadwa, A. Arts and culture in urban or regional planning: A review and research agenda. Journal ...
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