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Ethical Management (Speech Presentation Sample)

a powerpoint presentation on ethical management and its use in a case scenario. required writer to Research a case that calls into question the ethical conduct of a criminal justice professional within the selected criminal justice environment. Research best practices for handling similar issues and create a powerpoint with appropriate speaker notes. source..
00Ethical Management PresentationCJA/386: Week 4 Summative Assessment< Enter student name here. >< Enter faculty name here. >< Enter date submitted here. > Ethical Management Presentation CJA/386: Week 4 Summative Assessment < Enter student name here. > < Enter faculty name here. > < Enter date submitted here. > 00•Criminal justice environment selected -Interaction between law enforcement and the community.•Covers ethical conduct of a criminal justice professional.•The conduct of law enforcement officers is assessed and analyzed.•Encounters with suspects crucial in the line of duty.•Officers accountable to the public, supervisors, and subordinates in the line of duty.Introduction • Criminal justice environment selected - Interaction between law enforcement and the community. ...
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