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The Effect of Transformational and Transactional Leadership on Job Satisfaction among Employees of Service Companies in UAE (Statistics Project Sample)

The chapter critically explains the research or study methods as well as the methodological considerations the research personnel adopted in quest to execute research inquiry. The focus was to establish the causal relationship in job satisfaction and two leadership styles – transformational and transactional. In this light, the chapter served as a blueprint that can be used by other researchers to replicate the study because it highlighted the various aspects of research design, which included but not limited to instrumentation, data collection as well as analysis procedure, inquiry strategies, and finally the ethical considerations. source..
MSL599 PROJECT IN LEADERSHIPs Title: The Effect of Transformational and Transactional Leadership on Job Satisfaction among Employees of Service Companies in UAE Student’s Name: Rashed Alkhateri Student’s ID: 1081563 Semester: Fall 2022-2023 Supervisor: Dr Khalizani Khalid Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u LIST TABLES PAGEREF _Toc120639165 \h 3 LIST FIGURES PAGEREF _Toc120639166 \h 3 CHAPTER: 3 METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc120639167 \h 4 3.1. The Introduction PAGEREF _Toc120639168 \h 4 3.2. Research Design PAGEREF _Toc120639169 \h 4 3.2.1. The Research Philosophy PAGEREF _Toc120639170 \h 5 3.2.2. Research Approach PAGEREF _Toc120639171 \h 5 3.2.3. Research Strategies PAGEREF _Toc120639172 \h 6 3.2.4. Time Horizon PAGEREF _Toc120639173 \h 6 3.2.5. Population and Sampling PAGEREF _Toc120639174 \h 7 3.2.6. Instrumentation PAGEREF _Toc120639175 \h 8 3.3. Data Collection Procedure PAGEREF _Toc120639176 \h 10 3.4. Data Analysis Procedure PAGEREF _Toc120639177 \h 10 3.4.1. Reliability test PAGEREF _Toc120639178 \h 11 3.4.2. Pearson Correlation PAGEREF _Toc120639179 \h 11 3.4.3. Multiple Regression PAGEREF _Toc120639180 \h 12 3.4.4. Independent Samples t-test PAGEREF _Toc120639181 \h 12 3.4.5. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) PAGEREF _Toc120639182 \h 13 3.5. Research Ethics PAGEREF _Toc120639183 \h 13 3.6. Summary PAGEREF _Toc120639184 \h 13 REFERENCE LIST PAGEREF _Toc120639185 \h 14 APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE PAGEREF _Toc120639186 \h 16 LIST TABLES TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: Sample Size Calculation. PAGEREF _Toc120638579 \h 7 Table 2: Questionnaire Design. PAGEREF _Toc120638580 \h 9 Table 3: Reliability Test Interpretation. PAGEREF _Toc120638581 \h 11 Table 4: Person Correlation Interpretation. PAGEREF _Toc120638582 \h 12 LIST FIGURES TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: The Research Onion Model. PAGEREF _Toc120638638 \h 4 CHAPTER: 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1. The Introduction The chapter critically explains the research or study methods as well as the methodological considerations the research personnel adopted in quest to execute research inquiry. The focus was to establish the causal relationship in job satisfaction and two leadership styles – transformational and transactional. In this light, the chapter served as a blueprint that can be used by other researchers to replicate the study because it highlighted the various aspects of research design, which included but not limited to instrumentation, data collection as well as analysis procedure, inquiry strategies, and finally the ethical considerations. 3.2. Research Design The researcher’s design that was adopted for the study was based on Saunders' et al. (2016) “research onion model”, which illustrates the different layers of research and how they relate to each other (Melnikovas, 2018). The outermost layers are general and include research philosophy, research approach, and methodological choices. The inner layers of the model are specific and include research techniques, strategies, time horizon, as well as procedures. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: The Research Onion Model. 3.2.1. The Research Philosophy This leadership based study was inclined towards the positivism research philosophy, which is a scientific approach that seeks to understand positive and negative aspects of the world. The positivist method is based on empiricism, or the idea that knowledge comes from observation and experience (Melnikovas, 2018). It also emphasizes objectivity, meaning it does not rely on any preconceived notions about reality but instead aims to discover what is true about the natural world through direct investigation. By adopting the positivism research philosophy, the research unfolded the true nature when it came to the effects of transactional form of leadership and transformational form of leadership in regards to employee job satisfaction with minimal researcher bias. As a result, research validity was enhanced. 3.2.2. Research Approach The study used the deductive approach to investigate how transformational form of leadership and transactional form of leadership affected job satisfaction in the persons working in the UAE's service sector. The deductive reasoning approach uses a theory or principle to develop a hypothesis and then tests that hypothesis (Melnikovas, 2018). The inductive reasoning approach, in contrast, is one where the researcher investigates a problem without any prior knowledge about it and then draw conclusions based on observations made from the research data. Consequently, the inductive approach begins with observations and then works backward from those observations to develop a theory or principle (Saunders' et al., 2016). However, the deductive approach was used for this research, which means the researchers did not look for a general pattern in order to make their conclusions. Instead, interpretations were based on what the research expected to find as informed by the study's theoretical framework and then looked for evidence from the research data that supported the research hypotheses. 3.2.3. Research Strategies The study conducted a survey in an attempt to come up with answers to the formulated research question and subsequently put hypotheses to test. The use of online surveys made it possible for the research personnel to collect sufficient quickly. This advantage is echoed by Rice et al. (2017) who argued that online survey is a fast method of collecting quickly from many people, notwithstanding the fact that they are cost effective and easy to disburse. Additionally, research by Nayak and Narayan (2019) recommended the use of online surveys because they ensure anonymity of respondents leading to honest answers. However, unlike the face-to-face surveys, e-surveys have the limitation of respondents not understanding the question, which could increase chances of obtaining inaccurate responses. On the other hand, the responses from the survey were analyzed statistically using quantitative methods. Researchers use quantitative data computing because it is fast, even when working with a large sample. The results obtained using quantitative methods can easily be generalized directly to the populace where sample was obtained (Polit & Beck, 2010). In this light, data collected was analyzed to establish the relationship between transformational form of leadership and transactional form of leadership variables and how they affect employee job satisfaction, whereby the findings were inferred to UAE’s service sector companies. Quantitative method was preferred to the qualitative one because the latter required open-ended questions of which the researcher did not have control over the responses. Hence, the findings obtained using qualitative methods are subject to researcher’s self-interpretations and thus cannot be represented objectively. Therefore, the application of quantitative research methods in the present research helped to avoid these limitations. 3.2.4. Time Horizon This particular research employed cross-sectional approach, whereby data was collected about the current job satisfaction levels of employees based on the leadership style employed by UAE`s service sector companies at a specific point in time. According to Wang and Cheng (2017), cross-section research is effective in analyzing the characteristics of data at a specific period. In contrast, longitudinal research is repetitive and analyzes data over a long period to determine the change in behavior and characteristics over the period, hence it was not be suitable for the present study. 3.2.5. Population and Sampling The target population of the study was employees working in UAE’s services sectors, but the research sample focused on those working in Dubai’s hotel, insurance, and the tours & travel industries. Researchers work with samples instead of the whole population in order to overcome the constraints of time and resources. Based on the most recent Word Bank statistics, UAE had a total workforce of 6,498,745 employees engaged in various industries (World Bank, 2022). Trading Economics (2020) highlighted that about 64% of UAE’s workforce is engaged in various services industry, which means approximately 4,159,196 employees. Accordingly, the right sample size was calculated based on a 95% confidence level and 5% confidence interval, as shown the figure, to represent the employees working in the service-sector industries. It was important to use a representative sample because it minimizes chances of making inaccurate causal inferences, which enhanced research validity. In this light, the ideal target sample size was determined to be 384 respondents. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Sample Size Calculation. (Source: Simple random sampling was used to recruit the participants for the study (n = 384). It is the most common and simplest form of sampling, whereby every person in the population has an equal chance of being selected into the sample. Like other probability sampling methods, simple random sampling minimizes chances of making inaccurate causal inferences about the research phenomenon (Sharma, 2017). Sampling error is minimized when the researcher uses simple random sampling. Additionally, the larger the sample size, and the more representative it is of a target population, the better the understanding of its characteristics was in regard to how transformational and transactional leadership shape job satisfaction among employees working in UAE's service sector. In this regard, the link for the respondents to participate in the survey was shared on various social media platforms. Anyone with the link was allowed to participate if they met the inclusion criteria: (1) 18 years or older, (2) currently working in UAE, (3) from the hotel, insurance, and the tours & travel industries. 3.2.6. Instrumentation The instrument for d...
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