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Media Manipulation Communications & Media Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


The task was to write about media manipulation although one coul write about anything relevant to that.


Media Manipulation
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Media Manipulation
Media is applied in reaching and addressing a broad target audience. Modern media is recognized as the ultimate weapon of democracy and crucial custodian that defends public interests against injustices and creates awareness on what is undermining democracy. However, the media’s role in swinging election results, misdirecting public opinion, and shielding the government from public scrutiny has been a prominent characteristic of new media. Moreover, the media shapes societal attitudes and behaviors. In particular, media manipulates democracy, consumerism culture, and socialization. In light of these examples and in consideration of both positive and adverse effects that modern day media has on society, it shapes individuals’ opinions due to its intensive penetration into their lives, thus bringing more harm than good to the society.
Media Manipulation of Democracy

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