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Ethical and Legal Issues Impacting on Communication Messages and Goals (Term Paper Sample)


Ethical and Legal Issues Impacting on Communication Messages and Goals


Ethical and Legal Issues Impacting on Communication Messages and Goals
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Ethical and Legal Issues Impacting on Communication Messages and Goals
Communication professionals have the power to influence both individuals and economies. It indicates that they have a responsibility and an obligation to not only the client but also the society in general. There is a direct link between trust and ethical conduct, which is essential to the reputation of the firm. Thus, the primary focus is on the provision of ethics in public relations. The code will be applicable to all TalkBox members and it will offer guidance to all the employees as they continue with their ethical responsibilities. The document will also play a critical role in anticipating and accommodating the ethical challenges that are likely to arise.
The U.S copyright law is one of the components of intellectual property law aimed at the protection of original authorship works such as artistic, musical, drama, and literary works (Saha & Bhattacharya, 2011). However, despite the likelihood of protecting the manner of expressing things, it does not protect the operation methods, systems, ideas, or facts. While it does not protect discoveries and ideas, it may protect the way of expressing them. Generally, fair use is one of the defences against copyright infringement claim. It involves copying copyrighted materials for transformative or limited purpose including parody, criticize or comment.

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