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Making The Diagnosis And Deciding On The Treatment (Term Paper Sample)


Reflection Assignments
Questions to answer when writing up your reflections
(Please make sure you write the question in your answer so that faculty can follow your reflections during the grading process):
1. One of the most difficult things, when making the transition from an RN to a NP is taking on the responsibility of making the diagnosis and deciding on the treatment. Describe what you have done in your clinical experiences to prepare yourself for this.
2. The cultural diversity of the patients we see exposes us to many different beliefs and customs. Describe a clinical experience where your personal and professional feelings were conflicting because of cultural differences and how you responded to the situation.
3. Reflect on one aspect of your clinical experience that you feel or think you need to learn more about and how you will be able to achieve this goal


Quiz 1
One of the most difficult things when making the transition from an RN to a NP is taking on the responsibility of making the diagnosis and deciding on the treatment. Describe what you have done in your clinical experiences to prepare yourself for this.
The transition from RN to a NP is associated with taking new responsibilities in making the diagnosis and deciding treatment. To successively transit from on stage to another, adequate of preparation is needed. In my case, I can associate this transition with the manner in which I have been able to set my personal goals and expectations. As such, setting these targets as reducing some of the challenges encountered in taking the new role as a NP. Secondly, I have continually stayed in touch with NPs throughout my clinical career. As a result, they are the ones who managed to connect me with new opportunities. My preparation for the transition from RN to a NP has consistently been associated with a careful evaluation of the potential employers. Some of the criteria I used, in this case, were enquiring more about job expectation, the patient load as well as some hours spent at work. Moreover, preparation for the new role has been associated with recognizing the value of time. This is because the transition to NP can be difficult in some situations. Some of the challenges involved in development are the new responsibilities which should be undertaken. Some of these difficulties comprise of making the diagnosis and deciding the best method of treatment.
Quiz 2
The cultural diversity of the patients we see exposes us to many different beliefs and customs. Describe a clinical experience where your personal and professional feelings were conflicting because of cultural differences and how you responded to the situation.
Many healthcare practitioners have described health as a complex issue. They allege that both cultural and language barrier complicates the situation. Most western medicine has evolved to the extent of developing into a subculture of its code of conduct, language as well as history. The issue of culture has brought about some conflicting interest between healthcare practitioners and their patients. As a practitioner in this field, I have encountered the same challenge. This particular challenge was accommodating the broader universe of patient needs and views. The main reason for this difficulty was because patients utilize more than one system when solving a problem. At the same time, this issue was propagated ethnocentricity which complicated the diagnostic process. This is because both diagnostic and therapeutic processes are associated with borrowed traditions. This means that each healing tradition is ethnocentric. My response to this problem was based on the ethnic background of every patient. I considered this since dealing with patients in a cross-cultu...
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