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Community Policing: Information Directed Patrol, Field Interrogation, Problem Oriented Policing (Term Paper Sample)


community policing

Community Policing
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Community Policing
Police service to the community has been tested through a research conducted in the Kansas City. The research on patrol; a police service reveal that the citizens did not even realize any difference in the level of patrol. It further shows that a decline or heightening of the level of patrol never affected the lives of the residents, robberies, vandalism crimes, commercial burglaries, automated theft among many others (Boydstun & Micheal, 1975). According to the research this crimes are only noticed at a highly visible patrol by the police. At the time of patrol the crime rate reported to the police did not differ in any way. That is there was no any notable decline in the rate of crime. The research shows that the citizens lived in crime fear in that the patrols conducted by the police never had significant changes in the rate of crime. Another worrying revelation was that the citizens living in the region had neither satisfaction with the police nor the patrols they conducted. The research shows that the nearly 60% of the time that the police spent patrolling Kansas City was none committed. This means that they spent most of the time waiting to respond to calls and in as much time was spent on activities that were not related to patrol.
Response Time
Research indicate that not everybody who calls for police dispatch require their immediate response that is contrary to what most police department services expect when they get an emergency call that makes them respond by sending a sworn police officer. This is because different community standards vary depending on topography, geography and traffic patterns (Christopher, 1995). Consequently police department have come up with a new strategy of solving this hindrance by establishing an alternative police responses known as Differential Police Response (DPR).Differential Police Response have streamlined police response service by making it effective and efficiency especially in police departments where there is shortage of man power .For instance in America the establishment and development of DPR into police agency was influenced by three research finding, First it was discovered that American citizen required an accurate estimate of police response ,meaning for citizen satisfaction it was necessary for police response to be on time with the citizen expectation.
A research study carried out in municipal and county police departments on criminal investigation involved collection of special data, survey, observations and observations that took investigators about 7% of their time while solving an offence (Jan & Peter1977).The case study involved members of the public, patrol officers and a routine clerical carrying out their duties in collecting physical evidence in a crime scene so as to give the prosecutor enough information to put a suspect away. Evidence indicated that in most crime scene police do not acquire sufficient evidence to solve a crime
Information directed patrol
Research shows that in Kansas City, The Directed police patrol was first tested in an effort to increase intelligence in curbing of crimes. Moreover, the officers involved in directed patrols are dedicated to their task and are highly trained in citizen interaction in that they pick the criminals with ease (Whittaker, Gordon, Charles, Peter & Robert 1985). The findings shows that directed police patrols are effective measures in curbing crime rates.
Field interrogation
The research shows that field interrogations barely resulted to any formal prosecutions that were allayed in court but most of them were conducted in a shady manner in that they could not support a prosecution (Report of The National Advisory Commission On Civil Disorders, 1968). The police have been accused of underplaying the field interrogation practices in that they do not follow the formal guidelines of the exercise. This has resulted to derailing of the field interrogation core purpose of interrogating suspicious individuals due to the manner in which the patrol officers conduct the practice. The research further shows that the constitutional rights of the interrogated persons have in most cases been belittled. Thus questions the authenticity of the practice. Moreover, even with the heightened level of interrogation organized crimes are still taking place. Thus the field interrogation procedure as per the research needs to be reviewed.
Problem oriented policing
The research show that problem-oriented policing supports the techniques of crime analysis to establish the factors that are behind the problems the police are dealing with. Further the research establishes that these techniques if applied it can be an effective method for investigation of crime activities (John &William, 1987). The research suggests that SARA model is an effective strategy of solving problem oriented policing. It seeks to establish substantial solutions for the causes of the problems.
Community policing, beat profiling
The geography of every neighborhood is unique. As per the research the crime and the community perception of crime are highly linked to the geography of that specific region. It also shows that the surrounding regions have different features that relates to crime (David, 1999). In most cases the connection between the geography of an area and the crime are overlooked. However they are very crucial in implementing the watch programs in the neighborhood. The research also revealed that neighborhood programs are one of the effective and extensive measures towards crime prevention in US.
Foot patrol
The research show that foot patrol may not be an effective way of reducing crime rate but it can help to reduce fear of crime. Moreover it helps to satisfy the community with the police services in that they live more confortable lives (Police Foundation, 1981). Foot patrol also helps the community to adopt informal contact with the policing unit. The police also benefit in that they have a wide reservoir in which they can derive information.
Broken window theory
The research show that broken window theory that is based on cracking down the small crimes in an effort to curb the major ones has been effective since it has helped to deter crime rate (James & George 1982). The Research further shows that the only weakness in the broken window theory is the racial biasness of the blacks by the police officers.
Fear of crime
The research shows that fear of crime is associated with certain geographical locations. This is in particular the crime hot spots. The research also reveals that foot patrol help to minimize fear of crime among the community. This is because they interact with the police officers (William &Murphy, 2012).
Hot spot policing
The perspective of hot spot policing is that crimes happen at distinct point but not evenly across landscapes. The research conducted has proved this notion in that relatively small places where crimes are concentrated are evident (Christopher, 1995). Most of the crimes are generated from such places. The research has also revealed that other areas apart from the distinct relatively places are free of crime. Thus according to the research crime can be effectively controlled if the police focuses on the crime hot spot.
Race relations
The history of race relations in law enforcement has led to belittling of the African Americans and has made most officers in the policing unit to have a notion that they are criminals. Police racial biasness is evident in the police service in that there are very few black cops that are in the service and also those in the service never got any better rank (Geoffrey, 2015). In most cases the reason for the bias are minor reasons that do not hold such as level of education or even possession of state documents. Subcultures of police that perpetrate murder are protected by those in authority. The mentioned articles propose that police service can only be free from the bias if at all the police force is disciplined and committed to their duties. Moreover, the government should take disciplinary actions against the officers involved in murder of innocent lives.
Take back a high crime neighborhood
As per the research police can use strategies that are provided for in the policing to take back a high crime neighborhood. These strategies involve engaging the community and having good interpersonal relations between the police and the community in that they know the neighborhood well (Boydstun, 1975). This would help the community to identify those perpetrating crime in the community and notifying the police. The high crime area should have a police post from which the officers can operate from and help in conducting crackdowns on the criminals. SARA problem oriented strategy should also be implemented in the high crime area to help come up with solutions to the crime problem. Another strategy is for the police to identify the crime hot spots where the crimes are organized and target the criminals. Lastly the police can increase surveillance in the neighborhood by conducting field interrogations on the suspicious individuals (William & Murphy,2012). Low crime rate can be maintained by engaging the police and the community.
Final thoughts
I agree with the idea of field interrogations, hot spot crack down SARA problem oriented strategy and information directed patrols. This is because the three measures enhance policing. I disagree with the idea of foot patrol, biased racial poling and undirected patrol activities. This is because the derail the effectiveness of the policing. Three ideas that are new are fear of crime, SARA problem oriented strategy and information guided patrol.
**Boydstun, John E. And Micheal Sher...
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