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Analysis of Greening supply Chain Life Sciences Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


The new concept of greening the supply chain that must involves the integration of the environmental concerns by the manufacturing companies and firms in their processes.
the sample is about testing my expertise, skills, experience and thinking in the academic writing industry


Analysis of Greening supply Chain
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Page 1. Discuss and explain the concept of "greening the supply chain". Write in third person and include at least on in text citation (APA) in a minimum of 250 words.
The new concept of greening the supply chain involves the integration of the environmental concerns by the manufacturing companies and firms in their processes. The global sourcing and marketing of the finished selection, distribution and the management of the entire supply. The green purchasing requires manufacturers to select the suppliers for the products which have less
Impact in the pollution of the environment to preserve the eco-systems. The green purchasing will support the green production and manufacturing of the products which can easily be disposed in the environment without causing much environmental degradation but rather promoting friendly disposal, low cost expense in waste management and improved reputation for the manufacturing company from the stakeholders in the environment. Consequently, green manufacturing must be supported by green distribution by ensuring that product packaging and distribution will lead to better use of the storage space, raw materials and usage of materials which are easy to dispose by recycling the packaging materials so as to preserve the environment.
The manufacturers of the electronics and other appliances which can pollute the environment through e-waste emissions should also adopt the environmental policies and practices that promote proper waste disposal since the wastes contains some toxic substances which can be dangerous to the human population if not properly disposed or managed. Therefore the green supply chain management is important in promoting proper sourcing of materials, efficient warehouse operations, reduced pollution, reduced cost of manufacturing and proper waste disposal using the means that promotes recycling and re-usage of the materials as by products to increase productivity and minimize production costs

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