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leadership and management (Term Paper Sample)

To determine The Role of Communication in Alignment of Strategy. In this regard, it would be appropriate for Emirates management to train and create awareness regarding the communication procedures to the human resources department and invest in information conveyance channels that would help employees remain updated about any form of pending or occurring changes influencing their operations. source..
THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN ALIGNMENT OF STRATEGY Student’s Name Professor Institution Course Title City (State) Date The Role of Communication in Alignment of Strategy Introduction Communication is the core of managerial effectiveness, which means that managers need to have clear perspective of their capacities to communicate as well as be aware of any challenges in the process. Business leaders take a lot of time establishing organizational strategies. However, in case goals are not identified and coordinated on a continuous basis, the best-laid plans will be inappropriate. In this regard, communication comes in as a key undertaking in strategy implementation (Thompson and Beardwell, 2017). The goals should be achieved through interactions of managers and employees through reports that can lead to better alignment of plans, monitor milestones, as well as make course amendments where necessary. Indeed, it is evident that the quality of the connections among different aspects in the process will determine if the communication event would be successful. In this case, the question remains if the send uses the right language or images to develop a message that can be interpreted by the receiver. Looking at the case of Emirates Airlines, something lingers in association with communication as a key player in alignment of strategy in organizations. In this regard, the communication in the company regarding the new strategic move to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic has been done externally only through Reuters. The case study does not provide any form of evidence where the information has been relayed internally to employees through the inside communication mechanisms. There is so much that would change in Emirates including the reduction in fleet capacity, fleet numbers, links with Fly Dubai, and task distractions among others. All these changes are likely to affect employees as one of the key stakeholders in the company. In this regard, the human resources department is mandated to enhance the welfare of workers and that they work in tandem with the goals and mission of an organization. Through this obligation they are responsible for communicating appropriately to employees regarding matters that would affect their operations. Internal communication through emails, memos, or meetings would be appropriate for Emirates to have an effective change as it strives to get through the new coronavirus pandemic effects. In this regard, it would be appropriate for Emirates management to train and create awareness regarding the communication procedures to the human resources department and invest in information conveyance channels that would help employees remain updated about any form of pending or occurring changes influencing their operations. Literature Review Communication is a critical undertaking in the alignment of strategy in the present-day organizations. Tuckman and Jensen (1977) depict that communication is deemed as the core process of organizing. In this regard, organizational communication as an academic facet encompasses the study about symbols, messages, interactions, networks, as well as persuasive campaigns among others. In a broader context organizational communication is studied as internal formal communication, and public relations tend to concentrate on formal relay and receiving of information (Alhmoud and Rjoub, 2019). In this regard, it can be deduced that external communication is all about rendering promises, while internal communication encompasses making sure that the promises are kept and fulfilled. Organizational communication entails comprehending the manner in which organizational context affects communication processes and the way the symbolic nature of communication distinguishes it from the other kinds of organizational behavior (May et al., 2004). In some studies, communication has been deemed as the heart of each entity process, which means that people ought to be in a position to interact with one another in order to make an organization successful. A critical criterion concerning organization communication is the manner in which it is able to distribute information internally since it needs to absorb the required details to operate effectively (Alagaraja et al., 2015). Ideally, it can be deduced from literature that internal communication is the entity’s inside public relations that the management can utilize to establish and maintain trusted associations with its personnel. Indeed, this plays a significant role in bringing the entity’s mission, business concept, values, as well as public relations-related standards to the personnel’s understanding (McKenna, 2012). Therefore, from analysis, it can be deduced that communication is a crucial undertaking in change management across organizations, which means that it should be done effectively and efficiently. The interpretivist approach in communication opposes the functional perspective. The former one acknowledges the fact that people have a right to choose how to respond to information once it gets relayed to them, while the latter sees communication as linear and one that is agreeable between the sender and receiver (Brown, 2014). The relay of information in functionalist approach is deemed passive as it goes directly to the receivers, who are mostly the employees of an entity (Barney and Clark 2007). Indeed, Shannon and Weaver (1963) indicate that this can be challenged by the interpretivist approach that sees communication as one affected by human experience, which is deemed richer than what is suggested by the functionalists. In fact, in most cases, the interpretivist approach to communication is founded on individual as well as group interpretations (King and Lawley, 2017). In such a case, there can be the challenge of opposition from those receiving the information or may show resistance at some point since they can interpret it differently and choose how to respond to the same. The management of change in organizations requires an understanding of the two theories or approaches of communication in order to be deemed successful (Daft and Lengel, 1986). Tamkin (2004) has the idea that the departments that deal directly with workers, such as the human resources segment have been mandated to make sure that there is inclusive change process in an organization in a way that people drive the transformation rather than the transition propelling them. Huczynski and Buchanan (2013) acknowledge that the interpretivist approach perceives communication as a dynamic process, which means that as it constantly moves forward it is always reliant on the past, which forms the future and the present. The human resources department should be able to communicate effectively to avoid any form of confusion that may render any form of change invaluable on the part of the workers, who are one of the major pillars of an organization. In summary, what the two approaches of communication do agree upon is that the human resources segment in an organization has been deemed one of the key responsible areas to communicate effectively to personnel regarding any form of changes anticipated in an entity. Indeed, this notion agrees with the notion of functional perspective of communication. In functionalist or mechanistic approach in communication, it is perceived as a pipe that takes information from one place to another. It can either be verbal, non-verbal, or written communication (Barnard and Stoll, 2010). In this regard, human resources segment is supposed to acknowledge the fact that communication is a critical management element to any entity. In this case, whether the aim is to update workers on new policies, prepare them for any form of risks, or ensure safety, effective communication is an important part in effective human resources management (Schaufeli and Bakker, 2004). Most human resources professionals as well as organizational leaders tend to agree that associating corporate communication to business strategy is critical to achieve effective and consistent operations in an entity (Blackler, 1995). In fact, with a formal as well as comprehensive communication strategy, entities can make sure that they relay consistent messages, create recognizable employment brands, and provide messages from the top that are deemed congruent with an entity’s mission, vision, as well as culture (Torrington et al., 2017). In such a case, human resources managers should be aware of the interpretivist perspective as a theoretical structure in communication. In this case, organizations are perceived as organisms whereby communication tends to emerge and is not imposed. In such a situation, individuals choose the way to respond (Dance, 1967). Cultural factors are perceived to be critical influencers at this point as people’s values and beliefs matter alike. The relevant department should be in a position to communicate in details including any form of reward benefits that would accrue to personnel once a change is implemented (Kotter and Schlesinger, 2008). Results reveal that the provision of benefits is not only heightening in a myriad of areas but also emerging as a universal trend and less dependent on seniority. Some of the benefits that the human resources department can assure workers include technology, transport, career development, and social advantages among others (Kramar and Syed, 2012). Therefore, communication should be founded on strategic alignment that is understood by everyone in an organization through the human resources department. Application and Analysis The focus in this study is on Emirates Airlines that has through its management decided to change its strategic approach to operations in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. The Dubai based company is looking forward to rethink and redefine its strategy in order to survive the aftermath of the new coronavirus that has halted the worldwide aviation sector. One of the mos...
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