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Contemporary Policing Issues: Terrorism (Term Paper Sample)

This assignment revolved around pressing contemporary policing concerns, specifically terrorism. The deadline, set for two days, was met promptly. The task necessitated adherence to a specific template, comprising headers and two required references. The primary objective of the paper was to shed light on law enforcement and the transformations occurring within this realm in response to terrorist attacks targeting tourists. source..
Contemporary Policing Issues: TerrorismStudent’s Name Institutional Affiliation Contemporary Policing Issues: Terrorism Terrorism has grown in importance as a problem for global communities in recent years. The effect that this problem has had on not just people's lives but also on companies, the economy, and the governments of the globe cannot be overstated. Terrorist groups use violence to terrorize members of particular communities, racial groupings, or nations. In the past, groups that were established outside of America have carried out several attacks on American land. Terrorist organizations have existed there from the time of the colonial era, therefore they did not bring in a new era of intimidation and slaughter to obtain personal fortune. Property destruction of some kind is usually one of the aftereffects of such events. Considering that most individuals pass away, those who do live must deal with the emotional and physical effects of losing loved ones (Martin, 2017). The individuals of the human species are very varied and have a variety of worldviews. The formation of terrorist groups and the commission of terrorist acts are most closely correlated with ideological differences, particularly those related to religion. There was a time when terrorism was identified with particular geographical areas. But in recent years, this image has changed, and today even strong countries like the United States are facing a danger. The majority of attacks that occurred in the United States were carried out by externally organized militias. Terrorist groups like ISIL, al-Qaida, and al-Shabaab are just a few instances that draw recruits from a variety of social groups. On the other hand, the use of violence for nefarious purposes and to terrorize people dates back to the colonial era and occurred before the emergence of terror organizations. To keep their hold on nations or struggle for those nations' freedom, colonialists frequently turned to brutal measures. For instance, the Boston Tea Party was not considered a terrorist group. It did, though, take part in rebellious actions to persuade the British government to alter its stance on the importing of tea. The Ku Klux Klan was founded as a result of a kind of white supremacy with Christian roots that existed before the commencement of the American Civil War. This group's intended audience was African Americans and whites who supported their cause. The organization was labeled a terrorist organization and proclaimed illegal by Congress in 1871 as a result of the target communities' fears caused by its ideas. Following the founding of groups like the Palmer and the KKK, which participated in the murder of Catholics, Jews, and immigrants, respectively, similar actions, which are predominantly driven by religious considerations, increased in frequency. Political controversies have also been related to terrorism; for instance, terrorists operating within Cuba have frequently attacked aircraft leaving Cuba (Law, 2016). The nation continued to carry out terrible crimes even after the deadliest terrorist assault in the nation's history, known as 9/11, which left many people dead, hundreds injured, and much property damaged. Key Law Enforcement Agencies Dealing with Terrorism The Antiterrorism Assistance Program This agency's responsibility includes supplying law enforcement personnel with the training they need to deal with terrorist activity. This organization is also in charge of providing instruction in police techniques that may help counter-terrorist actions. All nations are to be helped for them to be able to handle similar crises more skillfully. The agency, which employs its specialists as well as those from municipal, federal, and state agencies, determines the requirements for training. There was a period when certain geographic locations were linked to terrorism. However, this perception has altered recently, and now even powerful nations like the United States are in danger. The vast majority of assaults that took place in the United States were conducted by militias that were externally organized. The bureau also develops a curriculum that adheres to those requirements and provides the tools necessary for the training process. People have been allowed to take part in this program since 1983. Over that time, it has instructed 84,000 law enforcement personnel in bomb detection, marine security, resolving issues with building and airport security, and conducting investigations at crime scenes. (Stambaugh, 2001) National Security Council The National Security Council was established after the National Security Act was passed in 1947. The President's Office is the headquarters of the Council, which was created to give the President guidance on military, foreign, and internal matters that are crucial to the security of the country. (Stuart, 2009) The Council's role was to advise the President on matters about national security. The Vice President sits on the Council, which is led by the President and also includes the Secretaries of Defense and State. The vice president is one of the Council's additional members. Overseas Security Advisory Council One of the main objectives of the Open-Source Advisory Council (OSAC), which was founded by the US government, was to enhance information exchange between the public and private sectors on topics important to the nation's national security. Over 4,600 different corporate representatives are present at these meetings. (Robson, 2018) Due to greater information interchange, the US government is now able to protect businesses held by people who reside in other countries. Agencies Involved in the Law Enforcement Hiring Process Homeland Security A federal law enforcement agency in the United States called the Department of Homeland Security is in charge of numerous tasks related to the hiring of security specialists. Enforcing immigration laws, maintaining safe borders and customs, combating the growing threat posed by cybercrime, and providing assistance in the wake of both natural and man-made disasters are some of the activities that come under this category. Federal Bureau of Investigations The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the most well-known investigative organization in the United States, must use the covert method to look into a variety of criminal situations. The term "covert operations" refers to this duty. To carry out the different duties that the FBI assigns, it is occasionally required to train and recruit investigative specialists to operate within the 200 categories of the FBI. (Pistole et al, 2002) It can take a while to complete this. These personnel are in charge of overseeing court-ordered wiretaps, as well as white-collar crimes, surveillance, and the examination of company data to identify criminal organizations. Additionally, they are in charge of overseeing wiretaps. Changes in the Terrorism and Law Enforcement Hiring Process After the September 11 attacks, one of the major adjustments in American policy toward terrorism was implemented. Law enforcement agencies were alerted about this occurrence since it is known as one of the deadliest in the nation. The modification was put into place to stop and lessen the likelihood of another significant assault. President Bush ordered troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to cope with the problem, and the US declared war on the countries involved in the attack. When he signed the Patriotic Act in 2001, President George W. Bush updated the principles of the counterterrorism policy (Kraft et al., 2017). Under the new Act, the Justice Department and other entities that deal with terrorism issues were granted more power. Changes to areas like the way criminal investigations into violations of immigration law, drug smuggling, coordinated operations related to terrorism, and finally money laundering are done were among the powers. Security agencies may now utilize the internet to intercept conversations and conduct investigations into cases of suspected terrorists. Sensitive information about a person, such as their financial history, may be included in this information, which is not safeguarded. Additionally, the agencies were permitted to create a Terrorist Exclusion List, which either stops specific people from accessing the country or results in their deportation to the nation. The process used by law enforcement organizations to fill open positions has been changed due to the growing need for qualified people who can handle issues relating to safety. To account for the heightened competitiveness of these applicants, this was done. A variety of variables contribute to rising levels of public confidence in law enforcement organizations. The involvement of community members in decision-making processes is one of these aspects. The organization can identify which candidates have the greatest degree of knowledge via interaction with the community, and then promote those applications to the community as persons who would offer them the best service possible (Nhan, 2014). As a result of the media's engagement, individuals may now keep track of the system's strengths and shortcomings that need to be fixed. I believe that the department's most recent counterterrorism-related changes have had a very substantial impact. Security services have been given more exceptional powers, allowing them to both increase elements that increase the chance of terrorist attacks while also lowering the danger of such attacks. Security agencies have been successful in lowering the danger of terrorist strikes notwithstanding this contradiction. For example, it was once thought that religious groups like Muslims were responsible for terrorist acts. Investigations have revealed that lack of employment opportunities and drug use radicalized members of terrorist organizations, especially young people of both the Christian and Muslim faiths. It is of the utmost importance t...
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