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COIT 20233 Assignment (Term Paper Sample)


The paper explores various concepts in cloud computing as well as its impact on the business community.


Lindsay Dale
Student Number: Sxxxxxxx
COIT20233 Assignment 3
Due Date: 2 May 2015
Lecturer: Dr Jo Luck
Course Coordinator: Dr Jo Luck
Executive Summary
Cloud computing promises a transformation in the provision of IT services to businesses and other organisations. Along with many advantages to the business that include easy scalability and ubiquitous access to resources, there are many risks that a business must consider before deploying a cloud solution. These risks include a loss of control over service restoration in case of failure and possible security risks due to attack via the Internet. To mitigate against those risks businesses need to have well-written contracts, develop strict and easily understood polices to ensure the appropriate storage of information and have multi-factor authentication to access sensitive information via the Internet.
This report considers the situation of GlobDev, who are an Aid and Development organisation headquartered in Melbourne with staff in many developing countries. Using recent research, the report analyses the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing, associated security risks and mitigation, and examines using cloud services to enable secure mobile computing. The report proposes a possible path to the transformation in the delivery of IT services in GlobDev through the migration to cloud based services. The report supports the use of cloud computing through mobile devices provided to field staff. The engagement in technology through social media applications and mobile technology should improve donor engagement and expand GlobDev’s opportunity for growth by increasing its supporter base.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0Introduction PAGEREF _Toc398409090 \h 41.1 Organisational Context PAGEREF _Toc398409091 \h 41.2 Objective and Methodology PAGEREF _Toc398409092 \h 41.3 Report Outline PAGEREF _Toc398409093 \h 52.0 Definitions of Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc398409094 \h 53.0 Advantages and Issues with Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc398409095 \h 63.1 Advantages of Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc398409096 \h 63.2 Issues with Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc398409097 \h 64.0 Security Risks in Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc398409098 \h 75.0 Opportunities for growth through Cloud Services PAGEREF _Toc398409099 \h 86.0 Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc398409100 \h 97.0 Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc398409101 \h 10Reference list PAGEREF _Toc398409102 \h 12
1 Introduction
1.1 Organisational Context
Cloud computing is an increasingly popular method for delivery of software services and storing data. GlobDev is a not for profit large organisation, headquartered in Melbourne, that runs aid and development programs in underdeveloped nations. The projects are organised by people from developed nations including Australians who are part of this organisations staff. National staff in each country are also employed by the organisation. There are currently 2150 people employed in Projects across 38 nations with a further 50 people employed in administration in 10 donor countries plus a further 70 staff in the head office in Melbourne. Projects and administration costs are funded through personal and corporate donations along with contributions from the foreign aid budgets of some G-20 major economies. The company has a central server located in the Melbourne Headquarters that is only backed up locally. There are desktop computers located in donor countries and with each project. While many of the staff in donor countries have laptop computers, very few staff working in projects have any sort of mobile computing device dues to security concerns with having devices that hold extremely sensitive data that can be easily accessed if stolen. Maintaining backups of data on desktop computers in each country is extremely problematic and relies on adherence by local staff to the organisations IT policies and procedures.
1.2 Objective and Methodology
GlobDev is investigating Cloud computing to enable staff to more effectively, efficiently and securely utilise ICT resources to access, process and distribute information in a timely manner. One of the major concerns expressed by the governing board is the security of information if it is stored in locations not controlled by the organisation. The governing board also see opportunities to expand its base of donors through more open connections between staff and donors that a cloud solution might enable. The objective of this report is to provide a rationale for employing Cloud Computing services and address the security concerns of the governing board. The report will also detail opportunities for using cloud services to widen its supported base. Information contained in this report has been primarily sourced from peer-reviewed journals along with industry publications.
1.3 Report Outline
The report will first define the concept of Cloud Computing services to specify the components of a Cloud Computing solution. Second, it will detail the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud-based services. Third, it will address the security concerns of the governing board along with strategies to mitigate the risk. Fourth, it will demonstrate clear improvements in information security that Cloud Computing offers. Fifth, the opportunities to increase engagement with the existing donor base and appeal to new donors will be discussed. The report will conclude with recommendations for proceeding with Cloud Computing services.
2.0 Definitions of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing consists of computing resources hosted on multiple networked computer servers to provide a seamless connection to resources ADDIN EN.CITE Mell20114(Mell & Grance 2011)4446Mell, PGrance, TU.S. Department of CommerceThe NIST Definition of Cloud Computing2011Gaithersburg, MDNational Institute of Standards and Technology800-145 April 2014(Mell & Grance 2011). This differs from the server specific model of providing resources where access is provided through connections to specific servers. Cloud Computing can be either public, where services are provided by an organisation to individuals or organisations, or private, where the services are provided exclusively for the organisation itself ADDIN EN.CITE Mell20114(Mell & Grance 2011)4446Mell, PGrance, TU.S. Department of CommerceThe NIST Definition of Cloud Computing2011Gaithersburg, MDNational Institute of Standards and Technology800-145 April 2014(Mell & Grance 2011). Private clouds can be hosted by the organisation or hosted by a third party ADDIN EN.CITE Mell20114(Mell & Grance 2011)4446Mell, PGrance, TU.S. Department of CommerceThe NIST Definition of Cloud Computing2011Gaithersburg, MDNational Institute of Standards and Technology800-145 April 2014(Mell & Grance 2011); the important differentiator is exclusivity and not the location of the services.
Cloud Computing is deployed using three different service models, Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (SaaS). SaaS utilises some form subscription service to access software. The cloud provider controls the software and can change the software without notice to the individual or organisation ADDIN EN.CITE Mell20114(Mell & Grance 2011)4446Mell, PGrance, TU.S. Department of CommerceThe NIST Definition of Cloud Computing2011Gaithersburg, MDNational Institute of Standards and Technology800-145 April 2014(Mell & Grance 2011). The software can reside on the provider’s infrastructure, where it is accessed through an Internet browser or a client application, or installed on the subscribers’ computer and updated through a provided mechanism. PaaS is where a provider allocates resources and an application environment on which the clients applications are hosted ADDIN EN.CITE Mell20114(Mell & Grance 2011)4446Mell, PGrance, TU.S. Department of CommerceThe NIST Definition of Cloud Computing2011Gaithersburg, MDNational Institute of Standards and Technology800-145 April 2014(Mell & Grance 2011). The client retains control over the applications while the provider contracts to support the underlying environment. IaaS is where a cloud provider supplies fundamental computing resources for a wide variety of computing uses ADDIN EN.CITE Mell20114(Mell & Grance 2011)4446Mell, PGrance, TU.S. Department of CommerceThe NIST Definition of Cloud Computing2011Gaithersburg, MDNational Institute of Standards and Technology800-145 April 2014(Mell & Grance 2011). These uses can include storage, printing, and application environments that are fully controlled by the service subscriber. Subscribers are not limited to a single service model, but can choose elements of all three models for provision of a wide variety of computing services.
3.0 Advantages and Issues with Cloud Computing
3.1 Advantages of Cloud Computing
There are many advantages from changing from a traditional networked approach to computing resources to a cloud-based model. ADDIN EN.CITE Iyer20127Iyer and Henderson (2012)7717Iyer, BalaHenderson, John C.Business value from clouds: Learning from usersMIS Quarterly ExecutiveMIS Quarterly Executive51-60111COMPETITIVE advantageCOMPUTER systemsMANAGEMENT information systemsCLOUD computingINTERNET users2012MIS Quarterly Executive1540196073151587Article
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