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Unilever limited Business & Marketing Term Paper Essay (Term Paper Sample)


The assignment is based on Unilever limited. It includes the history of Unilever limited and the way it uses the four P's of marketing. Please note that - the samples don't contain in text citations as my client didn't required the same but I am well versed with it.


Uniliver Limited
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Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc56871075 \h 3History of Uniliver and how it was created PAGEREF _Toc56871076 \h 3Product and logo PAGEREF _Toc56871077 \h 4Price PAGEREF _Toc56871078 \h 6Place PAGEREF _Toc56871079 \h 6Promotion PAGEREF _Toc56871080 \h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc56871081 \h 8References PAGEREF _Toc56871082 \h 9
The UK based company that is chosen in this report is Uniliver private limited. All the details of the company have been discussed in this report in detail. History of the company and how the company was created is discussed in this report. The company deals with various kinds of products. A particular product is chosen and there is information about that product in detail. The logo of Uniliver private limited is also explained. Various products are selected and there is discussion about prices of such products. The company operates at various places and screenshot of the places where it operates is attached. The type of promotion method that the company uses is also discussed in this report.
History of Uniliver and how it was created
Our company named Uniliver started with the name Lever Brothers and it first started producing soaps. By this product the company gained popularity and it became famous over the world. The reason behind the success of the product and our company was that it focused both on selling as well as on manufacturing. Other competitors also started producing the same products. There was tough competition in the market for our product. Our company then got the name of Uniliver private limited because of a merge. There was a merger between Lever Brothers and Margarine. Margarine was one of the biggest competitors of our company. Merges were not that popular at that time but it was possible because of the fact that the vision and goals of both the companies were same. In this way Uniliver private limited came into existence. Within years of formation the company started to face some major problems. The companies that provided our company with raw materials were reduced by 30% to 40%. To tackle this situation effective control system was bought in by our company. An internal cabinet was developed and special committee was created by the organisation to meet this situation. After meeting this situation the company started to grow. It started to expand its business. The products of our company were introduced to America. They started food and chemical manufacturing which was one of the major expansion strategies that was adopted by our company. We as a company wanted to build a good relationship between market research team and the sales that is happening. Expansion was not the only focus that the company had. We wanted to grow with prosperity. The company made two actuations which were the base on which our company did the expansion. The company sold many of its subsidiary business to focus on its main and core business. Because of this strategy the company was able to make a lot of collaborations and all these collaborations lead to a higher profit for the firm. With increasing time our company Uniliver limited became one of the most known and popular company in the world. It is well known in the sector of personal care and home care sector.
Product and logo

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