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Benefits of Therapeutic Programs (Term Paper Sample)


DISCUSS THE Benefits of Therapeutic programs USING HARVARD REFERENCING .


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Benefits of Therapeutic programs
Therapeutic programs are mainly used in the treatment of a clinical nature. They are performed to stop or control diseases. The main aim of therapeutic programs is to sustain healthy oral tissues of a patient. An example of therapeutic program used to benefits children and adults with cognitive, emotional or physical problems is therapeutic horse riding. The program is also known as Equine Assisted Activity. This program is used to teach patients riding skills. It helps these individual by creating an environment that influences their emotional actions. The program has been used in many areas and is renown due to its benefits to patients . The program is taught to patients with disabilities by nationally certified instructor. Therapeutic programs are meant to equip the patient with other skills. In case of therapeutic riding programs, the patient acquires other skills other than horse riding skills. The patient learns responsibility skills, vocational and educational skills among other from the activity. These skills help to reduce the agitation, anxiety or confusion exhibited by a patient. The result of this is improved health condition of the patient. Therapeutic programs have a range of activities that disabled persons can engage. These activities include sports and physical fitness that exposes a patient to the social environment. These social activities are crucial in helping individuals in recovering from the agitation, anxiety or confusion.
There are numerous benefits of various therapeutic programs in helping adults and children. These benefits include both physical and psychological benefits. The physical benefits of a therapeutic horse riding are described as follows; the physical fitness of the patient when riding the horse. The riding of a horse can be compared to human walking. The individual need to accelerate or decelerate the horse. Through this activity, the patient constantly requires to change his body posture in order to accommodate the changes. This is done through flexing his or her muscles, joints on body posture. This serves as a physical exercise thus improving his health condition. Horse limbs displacement combined with the acceleration or deceleration of a horse through the stride helps the patients pelvis to tilt. The tilt is both laterally, and it rotates anterior and posterior through the riding. This helps in flexing his joints and muscles relaxation and contraction . These exercises help the patients to improve their physical condition. When a rider performs these functional exercises, such as reaching out for objects, which helps to create body awareness, balance, joint flexion, rotation and extension. This is a key improvement required in a patient.
The psychological benefits from horse riding are emotional, social and cognitive effect changes. The activity helps individual to interact with other persons with or without a disability. The activity thus creates a social environment thus makes the patient acquire social characteristics. This is through interrelations with other people. This helps to improve their cognitive ability, and recover from emotional stress, confusion or anxiety. The challenge of riding a horse, accelerating it or decelerating it helps to create self confidence to the rider. The activity helps to remove fear in the rider and creates a calm persona in him. This will improve his cognition behavior. The patient develops attention skills, concentration and patience through horse riding. The animal acts as a buffer from stress and anxiety by providing relaxation and recreation activity. This helps an individual to learn about relationship building. In this analysis, it is evident that, therapeutic programs helps in improving patients' conditions. This is achieved through interactive activities they are engaging in the riding. Like therapeutic horse riding program, improvement in patients free from agitation, confusion or anxiety can be achieved.
Role of Health Care Assistant
A health care assistant performs several function is his or her work. These functions are as follows; it is the role of health care assistant to meet the standards of organization in the treatment rooms. He or she is required to ensure that, all the necessary requirements for the treatment room are met and in good conditions. The person is supposed to take necessary measures if the conditions are not met. The ordering of stock items required in the treatment room is a responsibility of a health care assistant. He or she is supposed to ensure that, a continuous supply of necessities in the treatment room is in place and can be provided on time in case of any requirement. Another responsibility of a health care assistant is to ensure that, clinical equipments are maintained efficiently and servicing is undertaken severally. This ensures the functionality of the clinical equipments. He or she is supposed to follow infection control standards in the performance of the duties. This is a key role of the health care assistant. Data such as vaccinations and blood tests should be properly recorded and stored. This can be done through the use of computers. This is a responsibility of a health care assistant. The assistant is supposed to contribute new ideas to improve the patient's health condition. Their ideas act as a buffer in the medical treatment of a patient .
All health care assistants are supposed to work as a team and work efficiently and effectively. This improves their efficiency in the performance of their duties. They are supposed to exhibit professional behavior in their performance of their duties. This entails professional behavior when interacting with patients. This creates a conducive environment for the patients, thus improving their health status.
A trained heath care assistance should exhibit knowledge in the performance of some crucial functions in the scope of work. The duties that a trained health care assistant performs includes; measurement of the height and weight of a patient, carry out urinalysis tests in a patient and measurement of body temperatures, blood pressure and pulses. These are the key tests that should be done to any patient by the health care assistant. Other functions that a trained health care assistant should perform are, peak flow tests and venepuncture .
Other roles of health care assistant are; the assistant should be able to recognize health changes of the patient and take any necessary action in case of any emergency. This shows that, health care assistant should carry out a continuous test to patients in order to identify any changes in the health conditions of the patient. The assistant is supposed to work alongside with other clinical officers in cases of emergency management of patients. They are supposed to provide any necessary assistant to the clinical officers when performing their roles. The filing of patients' notes is a responsibility of health care assistant. They should also enable the patients in accessing the appropriate professional assistance in the performance of their duties. They are channels that present clients views and conditions of the other clinical officers. The health care assistant serves as a link between patients and doctors. This is evident from the roles analyzed.
The use of the Cognitive behavioral therapy method
The use of the cognitive behavioral therapy could act as an alternative to the use of the therapeutic riding program in the treatment of patients suffering from various conditions that cause them to be agitated, anxious and confused. It is important to note that the cognitive behavioral therapy is a combination of two forms of therapy i.e. the cognitive therapy and the behavioral therapy. The use of these two forms of therapy helps to cure people suffering from anxiety, agitation and confusion from to angles.
In order to understand how cognitive behavioral therapy works, it is important to understand the first angle of approach that is used by therapists to help patients overcome constant feelings of agitation, anxiety and confusion. In this first angle of approach, therapists use cognitive therapy to change the thought patterns of mentally sick persons. Therapists usually aim at enabling patients to change from their current culture of having negative, annoying and depressing thoughts to a culture where they focus on having positive, optimistic and relaxing thoughts.
The use of behavioral therapy as the second angle of approach of cognitive behavioral therapy entails helping patients suffering from agitation, confusion and anxiety to change the bad forms of behavior they portray as a result of their condition into more positive forms of behavior. This form of therapy, therefore, focuses on enabling people who suffer from agitation, confusion and anxiety to stop portraying the various forms of undesirable behavior that they may have and, instead, encourage them to adopt behaviors that are desirable in the society. Therefore, the use of the cognitive behavioral approach helps to cure agitated, confused and anxious patients by encouraging them to identify the negative thoughts that have led them into a situation of distress and, thereafter, employing behavioral therapy to alter the negative behavior they portray.
Characteristics portrayed by patients
There are a number of characteristics portrayed by patients who are mostly agitated, confused and anxious. For example, patients may portray a dissociative identity disorder. This disorder is characterized by the inability of a person to relate comfortably with other people around him. Patients suffering from the dissociative identity disorder, therefore, tend to keep to themselves for most of their time.
Patients suffering from anxiety, confusion and agitation...
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