Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud-Based Systems (Term Paper Sample)
This is a computer science paper in which the student was required to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing and share information regarding available services in the market. The research established that cloud-based systems help reduce costs of operation while increasing the efficiency and productivity of an organization. Integrating these systems eliminates the need to purchase and install new applications on the computer every time they are upgraded. However, this technology comes with some privacy challenges, such as the risk of accessing essential data through unauthorized channels.
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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc5818814 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc5818815 \h 4Advantages of Cloud-Based Systems PAGEREF _Toc5818816 \h 4Cost Reduction PAGEREF _Toc5818817 \h 5Bolstering of Clients and Employees Relationships PAGEREF _Toc5818818 \h 5Improving Exchange of Information with Clients PAGEREF _Toc5818819 \h 5Building Sales Capabilities and Sales Management PAGEREF _Toc5818820 \h 6Improved Disaster Recovery PAGEREF _Toc5818821 \h 6Security PAGEREF _Toc5818822 \h 7Disadvantages of Cloud-based systems PAGEREF _Toc5818823 \h 7Privacy PAGEREF _Toc5818824 \h 7Loss of control PAGEREF _Toc5818825 \h 8Internet Reliance PAGEREF _Toc5818826 \h 8Available Services in the Market PAGEREF _Toc5818827 \h 8Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc5818828 \h 9Pictorial Representation of the Pros and Cons and Cloud Computing PAGEREF _Toc5818829 \h 9References PAGEREF _Toc5818830 \h 11
Executive Summary
Cloud computing a relatively new technology that offers platforms over the Internet where individuals and firms can host various forms of resources, such as workloads, web applications, databases, and web services among others. There are different cloud-based service providers in the market who offer various forms of services and charge differently depending on the size of the package, the nature of data, the computing power, and the duration of storage among other parameters. The cloud-based systems can help to reduce costs of operation while increasing the efficiency and productivity in an organization. The integration of these systems eliminates the need to purchase and install new applications on the computer every time they are upgraded. These systems also help to build client and employee relationships; bolster the exchange of information with client and boost sales of a company. However, this technology comes with some privacy challenges, such as the risk of accessing essential data through unauthorized channels. There is also the loss of control in terms of the manner in which accesses the information and the type of information to store in these systems. Above all, cloud computing offers excellent services that a 21st Century company can adopt to improve its general performance and be competitive in the global market.
This report is in reference to the request made on 20th February 2019 regarding the incorporation of cloud-based systems in Nalley, Nellie & Nicholson, CPAs. Analysis indicates that cloud computing is a technology that provides a platform over the Internet where a company can host its resources such as web apps, databases, workloads, web services and any other kind of applications. One can even make those hosting either public, private or both at once, which is known as the hybrid. Different tech giants provide Cloud services. For instance, Microsoft has Azure, while Google has its own cloud and many others. Any interested party can use Azure by signing up with the desired plan or go for a trial to host the required applications. Cloud computing eliminates the need to purchase physical servers as these services can now be offered over the web. For instance, one is only required to create an account on Amazon web services and establish a virtual server (EC2) and a data storage (S3) on a personal computer or laptop using the Internet. The charges for these services are usage-based, which means that the payment is exactly for the amount of data storage and computing power that a firm or an individual uses. The cloud provides various options with scalability that can enable Nalley, Nellie & Nicholson, and CPAs to provide better services to its clients and grow its business.
Advantages of Cloud-Based Systems
There are various benefits that are associated with these systems, which include the ability to reduce the cost of operation; chances of bolstering employees and clients relationships; making the process of exchanging information with clients more efficient; general improvement in sales and management as well as improved security and data
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