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Management Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


INSTRUCTIONS FOR MGT 205’s TERM PAPER (TEN FINAL GRADE POINTS) R 10-20-13 Chapter 15 is entitled Effective Groups and Teams. The Term Paper will focus on the ‘real world’ application and value of two of Chapter 15’s Learning Objectives. The Learning Objectives appear at the beginning of the chapter. Chapter 15’s basic premise, a premise this instructor endorses, is that all types of organizations and workplaces use groups and teams to: enhance their performance, increase responsiveness to customers, spur innovation and motivate employees to accomplish high performance goals. To this end, the Term Paper is designed to familiarize students with these modern management practices and strategies. For this assignment, students are to choose any two of Chapter 15’s five Learning Objectives which appear at the beginning of the chapter. Students must write about their application and their value to ‘real world’ organizations. Students must personally interview a relative, a friend, and/or an acquaintance whose organization utilizes groups and teams to achieve their organization’s goals. You may not choose your own place of employment. The two to three pages (double spaced) Term Paper must be constructed as follows:

A group refers to an association of two or more people who have common objectives and work towards achieving the same goals. Groups have been seen to achieve great efficiency within organizations and also improve individuals’ interpersonal relationships which are as a result of sharing the same interests.
Types of groups
There are many types of groups and each classification identifies individual with a particular set of character or share a common interest. The major types of groups are:
Formal groups are created for the sole purpose of achieving specific objectives or carry out specifically assigned tasks. Formal groups have a well defined structure and a defined channel of communication and authority. They include:
The top-management team which includes the key decision makers in the organization.
Research and development team which represents the group of people in charge of developing new products and venturing into new markets.
Command groups where subordinates report to one supervisor.
Self-managed work team. This is a group whose members are in charge of their own operations
Informal groups exist as a result of individuals sharing a common interest. They include
Friendship groups where the members are identified by sharing the same company and socializing in the same circles.
Interest groups where the members share a common interest and they pursue it collectively.
Motivating Factors
Managers can motivate group members to achieve organizational goals and reduce social loafing in groups and teams in the following ways:
(a) Participation in Planning—when employees are given a choice to plan their own work and they are able to contribute to organizational planning, the plans are more acceptable to them—after all they have taken part in making them.
(b) Challenging Work—when work is not challenging boredom sets in and this is likely to cause sluggishness and dissatisfaction at the place of work.
(c) Recognition and Status—most people want approval by peers, friends and bosses. Benefits that show status e.g. company car, credit card, club membership may increase motivation.
(d) Authority, responsibility and power. Some people are motivated greatly by being responsible for the work of others. Many people stay in organizations with a hope of rising to higher levels.
(f) Security, especially financial security is achieved mainly through secure and comprehensive labor contracts e.g. that involve medical covers and insurance.
(h) Personal growth—people want to grow wholesomel...
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