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The image of a woman (Term Paper Sample)


The paper describes the image of a woman created in 1958 by Richard

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6th June 2014
Richard Diebenkorn created the image of woman profile in 1958.It is a perfect illustration of the application of oil on canvas technique. Dieberkorn uses vigorous impasto of layers to display the woman. The large canvas put together with striations bring put a faceless figure all together. Moreover, he has used the ghosting and shading techniques to create depth and perspective. It is worth noting that Diebenkorn paints the organic shapes of the figure and juxtaposes them to the landscape. He sets them besides the grid pattern of the window consequently illustrating two scenarios.
I feel that Deibenkorn’s work was highly influenced by Edward Hoppers ‘hotel room’ of 1931.First and foremost, Hopper’s work is exemplary oil on canvas technique. In other words, the large canvases present in Deibenkorn’s work have influenced by Hopper’s canvasses. Deibenkorns’s work depicts a woman in relaxed setting with her mind focused on an issue. Edward’s work also exhibits a woman in a hotel set up. The moderate use of colors adequately displays the general mood of the painting. Calm colors such as white and pale yellow probably display the shame of the woman. This is similar to Deinbokorn’s work. The ‘woman in profile’ has employed bold colors alongside calm colors. In fact, ...
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