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Business & Marketing
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Current HR Event (Term Paper Sample)


This paper (Current HR Event) discusses the HR events in Marks and Spencer as a case study firm. It discusses HR in the said company, it effectiveness and changes over time that has made the company excel in business over time.

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Current HR Event
Marks and Spence is one of the most reputed international companies specializing on outfits. Recently, the company introduced a scheme meant for the motivation of their staffs. The scheme for the recognition of the employees is dubbed ‘Spotlight’ and is intended to help in recognizing the retail staffs that works exceptional in their delivery of services (Paterson 2013). Among other thing introduced are the charity volunteer days and the launching of the wellbeing website (Amadeo 2013)
The reward of the scheme is such that it is progressive in manner based on instant bronze, silver, and gold cards representing the prizes. There are also ipods, wine selection, and watches, the beauty with the scheme is that the reward can be exchanged for rewards of choices as given in the catalogue (Paterson 2013). The scheme is also divided in to three spheres; monthly, those that are given for the ‘star of the month’ at the level of the store, ‘star of the quarter’, for the regional level and ‘star of the year’ for the national level (Madden 2013).
Following the launch of the scheme, the reward manager at the Marks and Spencer Company, Darren McCabe confirmed that the company has reached the improvement in the reward to ensure that those with exceptional contribution are rewarded accordingly. With regard to the value of the scheme, the manager informed that they intend to raise the money through ‘charity challenge’ that envisage to raise about £ 1 million within the first 100 days of the launch (Paterson 2013).
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