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Critical analysis of the Benjamin Nelson Critique of the Glass Menagerie (Term Paper Sample)
Critical analysis of the Benjamin Nelson Critique of the ‘Glass Menagerie’
Critical analysis of the Benjamin Nelson Critique of the ‘Glass Menagerie’
The Glass Menagerie is considered one of T. Williams’ best works that brought him to the limelight. Its success is mainly attributed to the depths of his characters. The characters therein expound the complexities and simplicities of life. Its characters are arguably a representation of his family. The characters all carry a part of his traits too, it can be postulated. The critic of Benjamin Nelson is based on the characters. He scratches below the surface to ascertain their true symbolism and embodiment. This essay aims to dissect the critic and offer enlightened analysis on the opinion thereof.
Benjamin indicates that the characters lack the wholesomeness to handle the dilemma they face in their case of hopelessness. They have hopes which are continually destroyed as the play progresses giving embodiment to the societal pains of the time. Each individual character has a lacking that makes their coping with their lives an impossible. The main characters are Tom, Amanda and Laura. Tom Wingfield is the chief character in the play and the play is in his own word narration. He presents the truth in dramatic fashion and also gets to have the truth distorted by memory. His lacking is in the lack of maturity. Being the narrator, one expects a form of control on his part and his character. His is a double character whence one point he is the image of control and maturity and the next moment he sinks into juvenile tendencies. The extent of his judgment, whether it can be trusted not be based on emotions or based on fact is frustratingly difficult. The lacking in Tom is in consistency and stability in character for the fortitude required to face the storms of life.
His recollection is less than perfect implying a lacking in character as it implies an unflattering past that one should be courageous enough to confront. His mode of recollection is however less than perfect. Tom has a positive side that does no justice to his ability to cope with life though. He is an avid poet with schemes of grandeur, a dream to move up the value chain and escape from his life if abject misery. He also exhibits further intelligence by being an avid reader. This is however the extent of the display of intelligence. He acts not intelligently and is held back by the very objects he seeks to escape from, his mother, job and invalid sister. His display of intelligence is limited to the instance we learn of his knowledge of the political upheavals in Europe through his reading of D. H. Lawrence. Intelligence is measured in the weight of opinion which Tom shows none in regard to his opinion of Lawrence. There is also no indication on the depth of his poetry and its significance or content. Thus his attachment is his lacking. He lacks the ability to critically analyze his situation and dissociate coldly from associations that are detrimental to his dreams and ambitions. His bearing towards Amanda and Laura is lacking in that he is almost cruel to her and never behaves tenderly in her stead. This can be shown when he knocked down her menagerie without an ounce of remorse. When he elucidate at close play, his speech display strong feelings for Laura though.
Laura’s lack of wholesomeness lies in her physical and mental inadequacies. She suffers an inferiority complex and her physical ineptitude. She uses her illusions as a mode of escapism from the harsh reality that she cannot cope with. The glass menageries form the ultimate indication of the extent of her disillusionment. Jim tries to build her up on sensing her inferiority complex and even ends up kissing her. When she learns of his engagement, she presents him with her broken menagerie. This is a representation of her broken self. She isolates and pities herself from reality and thus Benjamin’s critic on the wholesomeness of the character. She uncannily plays the victim most of the play to the end whence she extinguishes the candle. She is the most docile of characters who displays only pure kindness and compassion. She cries at the onset of Tom’s unhappiness in scene four. She is the embodiment of selflessness compared to her family. Though a virtue, this is a lack...
Critical analysis of the Benjamin Nelson Critique of the ‘Glass Menagerie’
The Glass Menagerie is considered one of T. Williams’ best works that brought him to the limelight. Its success is mainly attributed to the depths of his characters. The characters therein expound the complexities and simplicities of life. Its characters are arguably a representation of his family. The characters all carry a part of his traits too, it can be postulated. The critic of Benjamin Nelson is based on the characters. He scratches below the surface to ascertain their true symbolism and embodiment. This essay aims to dissect the critic and offer enlightened analysis on the opinion thereof.
Benjamin indicates that the characters lack the wholesomeness to handle the dilemma they face in their case of hopelessness. They have hopes which are continually destroyed as the play progresses giving embodiment to the societal pains of the time. Each individual character has a lacking that makes their coping with their lives an impossible. The main characters are Tom, Amanda and Laura. Tom Wingfield is the chief character in the play and the play is in his own word narration. He presents the truth in dramatic fashion and also gets to have the truth distorted by memory. His lacking is in the lack of maturity. Being the narrator, one expects a form of control on his part and his character. His is a double character whence one point he is the image of control and maturity and the next moment he sinks into juvenile tendencies. The extent of his judgment, whether it can be trusted not be based on emotions or based on fact is frustratingly difficult. The lacking in Tom is in consistency and stability in character for the fortitude required to face the storms of life.
His recollection is less than perfect implying a lacking in character as it implies an unflattering past that one should be courageous enough to confront. His mode of recollection is however less than perfect. Tom has a positive side that does no justice to his ability to cope with life though. He is an avid poet with schemes of grandeur, a dream to move up the value chain and escape from his life if abject misery. He also exhibits further intelligence by being an avid reader. This is however the extent of the display of intelligence. He acts not intelligently and is held back by the very objects he seeks to escape from, his mother, job and invalid sister. His display of intelligence is limited to the instance we learn of his knowledge of the political upheavals in Europe through his reading of D. H. Lawrence. Intelligence is measured in the weight of opinion which Tom shows none in regard to his opinion of Lawrence. There is also no indication on the depth of his poetry and its significance or content. Thus his attachment is his lacking. He lacks the ability to critically analyze his situation and dissociate coldly from associations that are detrimental to his dreams and ambitions. His bearing towards Amanda and Laura is lacking in that he is almost cruel to her and never behaves tenderly in her stead. This can be shown when he knocked down her menagerie without an ounce of remorse. When he elucidate at close play, his speech display strong feelings for Laura though.
Laura’s lack of wholesomeness lies in her physical and mental inadequacies. She suffers an inferiority complex and her physical ineptitude. She uses her illusions as a mode of escapism from the harsh reality that she cannot cope with. The glass menageries form the ultimate indication of the extent of her disillusionment. Jim tries to build her up on sensing her inferiority complex and even ends up kissing her. When she learns of his engagement, she presents him with her broken menagerie. This is a representation of her broken self. She isolates and pities herself from reality and thus Benjamin’s critic on the wholesomeness of the character. She uncannily plays the victim most of the play to the end whence she extinguishes the candle. She is the most docile of characters who displays only pure kindness and compassion. She cries at the onset of Tom’s unhappiness in scene four. She is the embodiment of selflessness compared to her family. Though a virtue, this is a lack...
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