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The old man and the seas Literature & Language Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


The task was a term paper. the sample is about the old man and the sea.


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The Old Man and the Sea
If the time changes in The Old Man and the Sea, then, the epic struggles witnessed by Santiago, a seasoned Cuban fisher will be different. If he continuously caught fish, then he would understand the meaning of persistency, toughness and resilience. Getting out of the sea empty-handed in addition to fighting with his conscience and sea itself, the old man learned life lessons, especially on the 85th day when he caught a huge marlin. Besides, if he would have caught fish consecutively for the eighty-four days, then the boys would have continued fishing with him. It is described that the boy is not fishing anymore with the old man dressed like a “ragpicker” because the boys’ father believes the old man doesn’t bring good luck.

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