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Ohio Prevention Basics (Term Paper Sample)


answering some questions given while referring to the book

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Date of Submission
"Ohio Prevention Basics" - By the Health Policy Institute of Ohio
1 Compare and Contrast prevention and treatment in your own words.
* Prevention refers to the action of stopping an occurrence of health problems before people start developing signs and symptoms while treatment refers to the action in which a health care provider takes in eliminating a disease once it has manifested itself in the host.
* Both prevention and treatment brings about health promotion.
2 List the classic levels of prevention and give examples of each.
* Primary prevention – vaccination/immunization.
* Prevention of infant mortality by encouraging safe sleep.
* Secondary prevention – screening of the breast and the colon and rectum to identify early stages of cancers
* Screening of hearing and vision for young children.
* Tertiary prevention - Self diabetes management
- Establishing to enable parents in identification and removal of triggers of asthma at home
3 Where does prevention in the US take place?  Give two examples.
School and primary care office or clinic hospital
4 Where does Treatment and Rehab take places?  Give two examples.
Treatment – hospitals, nursing home, physician’s office
Rehabilitation – rehabilitation facilities and community organization
5 What is "upstream" prevention in your own words?  Give two concrete examples.
Refers to the type of prevention that its approach goes beyond the setting on the doctor’s office and also focus on issues such as social, physical and economic environment that have impact on health population.
¯ Community based prevention programs
¯ Changing policies strategies.
6 Describe the Health Impact Pyramid proposed by Dr. Tom Frieden.  Who is Dr. Tom Frieden?  Describe one element of this graphic image that was new or particularly relevant to you.
* There will be improved housing sanitation and education.
* Reduction in poverty
* There will be elimination of lead paint and asbestos exposure.
í Dr. Tom Frieden is the director of Centers and Disease control and Prevention in the United States
í Counseling and education was more relevant because it required less population impact.
7 What are two examples of new and progressive ways to think about health and well-being that have emerged in the last decade?
Culture of health
Including health in all policies
8 Are Americans getting the best value for their healthcare dollars?  How do you know?
No. - This is because according to the 2013 report of Shorter Lives, Poorer Health concluded that population health of the US in relation to other countries is at a distinct health disadvantage.
9 List two concrete examples of effective 1) Policy change strategies and 2) Prevention programs.
Policy change strategies
Safe routes to school
Introduction of tobacco taxes
Prevention programs
Life skills training
Early childhood home visiting
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