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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Term Paper
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Patient Privacy and Confidentiality Health, Medicine Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


The paper's requirement was to Determine the general purpose/goals/aims of the given project and then the specific ethical question, and then determine who else would be affected by this decision, and in what way.


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Paper title: Patient’s Privacy and Confidentiality


Date (of completion): October18, 2018


Purpose and Question:

General purpose:
Individuals benefiting from health care services preserve the right to protection of personal information. Though privacy and confidentiality are synonymous, their meanings are different in the healthcare context. While privacy means whatever the doctor writes about the patient is kept secret, confidentiality refers to a set of rules that guarantees the secrecy of whatever is discussed between a patient and a physicist. Maintaining privacy of a patient by a physician is not just a matter of legal and moral obligation, it is necessary for maintaining the bond of trust between the patient and the doctor without which patients would be hesitant in revealing information about themselves or their families which might affect the healthcare service delivery. Patient’s satisfaction is measured on the basis of confidentiality, satisfaction with the services, prior informed consent, and privacy


Citation if external sources used (MLA in-text style): (Mastaneh, and Mouseli 143).

(with above)

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