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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Thesis Proposal
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Project Thesis - Section 1: Career Goals (Thesis Proposal Sample)

The paper involved providing three SMART career goals and why the individual selected them. It also discussed how the Master's program coursework would ensure the individual grew professionally in relation to the career goals. The essay also discussed how the individual's work history influenced the career goals. source..
Project Thesis - Section 1: Career Goals [Name] [Institutional affiliation] [Course name] [Instructor's Name] [Due date] Project Thesis - Section 1: Career Goals The establishment of long-term and short-term career goals is a significant process that individuals need to contemplate to jumpstart achievement in their professions. Career goals typically help individuals develop effective action plans by expounding the professions they intend to pursue throughout their career exhaustively. According to Greco & Kraimer (2020), career goals are desirable for individuals who seek to expand their edification by getting into higher education or who might seek out to grow their experience and skills throughout their professional field. As an individual seeking to broaden my experience and skills in the healthcare sector, I formulated my career goals based on SMART principles by establishing my contemporary strengths and weaknesses and relating them to my career path. Moreover, my career goals were articulated based on the suitable qualities required to advance my career towards the anticipated prospects. My three career goals include: becoming a clinical practice manager, transitioning to a hospital manager position, and lastly, becoming a hospital chief executive officer. From an early age, I have constantly endeavored to be part of the healthcare sector since my passion and objectives are to make momentous differences in people's lives. Moreover, the idea of putting aside my needs to support those of other people as a healthcare worker, for instance, during this pandemic, has been a prodigious captivation and inspiration in my career. Even so, the formulation of the three goals was very challenging due to the numerous occupation paths in the healthcare sector. For my career development plan, I primarily focused on health care management since efficient and effective decision-makers are necessary for enhancing and changing various healthcare issues. Regarding my career goals, a clinical practice manager works in both administrative and medical dimensions, for instance, in doctor's offices and clinics to guarantee activities in the facility run efficiently. Hospital managerial positions provide individuals with an opportunity to scale up the hospital network by efficiently handling hospital resources, preventing wastage of resources, generating a competent labor force, and efficiently managing hospital data. Furthermore, Individuals at the hospital CEO position are usually involved in the planning, directing, and coordination of the daily hospital operations at the uppermost level of administration with all stakeholders' help to ensure efficiency in all aspects of the facility. As a person who believes in work efficiency, these career goals will help me gain focus and courage in executing the necessary steps to accomplish my hospital management ambitions. Generally, these career goals were formulated based on my more than six-year experience in the healthcare field. Before joining my school program, I started as a volunteer working in an outside patient physical therapy facility and am currently working as a physical therapy assistant. Working in these positions has enabled me to identify numerous areas in the healthcare sector that require improvement, for instance, by acquiring insights from the patients that I interacted with. Individually, I believe in working by the book and observing all the set policies and protocols such as the 'code of practice' to ensure all facility operations are taking place as expected. My proactivity in both treatment and administration practices has allowed me to address several issues to the existing management personnel to improve patient's treatment experience by providing efficient care. This vast experience and academic knowledge classically support my leadership and management ambitions. Moreover, the education course has supported my development of enormous and extensive knowledge on management skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which has largely contributed to the formulation of the career goals. As a clinical practice manager, improving my leadership skills will enable better my reputation and promotions to a higher position based on hard work and the efficiency demonstrated in the allocated tasks. Therefore, the next goal is to get promoted to a managerial position in a hospital and work as an individual empowered by the coursework knowledge as well as the experience gained from the professional field. With a master’s degree and adequate work experience within the healthcare sector, there are higher chances of getting promoted to a CEO position, thus ultimately attaining my career's professional objectives. The master’s program has prepared my healthcare management career goals in many dimensions. Generally, the principal aim of enrolling in the program is to provide me with vast academic knowledge and also polish my soft skills to support career excellence. The coursework subjects throughout the program have empowered me further to comprehend the healthcare sector in a greater depiction. The courses were technically established to make scholars more excellent leaders and managers in the healthcare industry by adequately preparing them to face every obstacle from leadership to monetary perspectives. In addition to knowledge on management and administration, financial management knowledge of the health care sector is also necessary for me to help understand the hospital finances, thus cultivating and introducing profitable products and services in the organization. Through the program’s coursework, I have learned numerous techniques to improve patient’s safety and experience, for instance, through digital patient appointments. Moreover, I have learned about emotional intelligence and its significance in the healthcare sector, particularly to healthcare leaders. Simultaneously, the program has provided an opportunity to learn and better comprehend the laws and regulations, ethical guidelines, and practice codes that are indispensable in the healthcare industry. The program also encompasses coursework specifically presented to improve scholars’ soft skills, including communication, leadership, and research skills. These skills will support my career by helping me perform deep research to identify new methods that can help solve existing issues in the healthcare industry. Additionally, I have learned how to effectively communicate with work colleagues and professionals, including patients, hospital staff, and physicians, in a polite and beneficial style to the audience. This master’s prog...
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