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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Thesis Proposal
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Quantitative-Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Employee Retention, Compensation, and Supportive Working Environments in Nursing Homes (Thesis Proposal Sample)


Quantitative-Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Employee Retention, Compensation, and Supportive Working Environments in Nursing Homes


Quantitative-Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Employee Retention, Compensation, and Supportive Working Environments in Nursing Homes
Quantitative-Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Employee Retention, Compensation, and Supportive Working Environments in Nursing Homes
Historical Background
Nurses play arguably the most important role in healthcare, especially in providing care to terminally ill patients in nursing homes. Nurses make up the largest group of healthcare professionals and employees (Kurtzman et al., 2010), implying that their contribution is indispensable. In a white paper on nursing's economic value, Keepnews (2011) showed that nurses contribute immensely to patient outcomes and healthcare cost efficiencies and productivity. Nurses also spend the greatest time with patients among all healthcare professionals. Therefore, it is arguable that nursing is the most valuable healthcare profession.
However, several issues hinder nursing practice's efficacy, including poor staffing ratios, high turnover rates, and burnout (Buerhaus, 2017). For instance, high turnover rates are a concern for healthcare facilities in terms of the cost implications of hiring and training new employees. Furthermore, they compromise the quality of care provided to patients, as well as patient satisfaction (Cox, Willis, & Coustasse, 2014). These implications emphasize the need for an intervention to address the low nurse retention rates experienced today comprehensively. The increasing shortage of nurses exacerbates this need in nursing homes and other health facilities.
Several interventions are available for mitigating the low retention rates, albeit with varying levels of success and efficacy. Such interventions include better remuneration, improved working conditions, and social support. They follow from the long working hours, intensive job demands, low top-management support, and stress associated with nursing practice, and seek to remedy the nurses' work experience (Cox et al., 2014). Research shows that nurse leadership and management can potentially influence nurses' decisions to leave their current working positions (Hayati, Charkhabi, & Naami, 2014). However, there is a literature gap in the effectiveness of specific leadership styles, such as transformational leadership, in influencing nurses' decision to leave their positions. Establishing a quantitative relationship between transformational leadership and nurses' job satisfaction and intention to remain at their current job will help devise interventions to mitigate the low retention rates.
Problem Statement
The increase in employee turnover of nursing home staff members remains a negative factor in the industry as it decreases profits and quality of service (Willard-Grace et al., 2019). Nurse turnover rates vary between 8.8% and 37.0%, depending on geographical location and specialty (Haddad et al.,2020). The general business problem is some business leaders do not recognize the relationship between leadership, compensation, supportive work environment, and employee retention. The specific business problem is that some Certified Nursing Home Administrators (CNHA) are unaware of the relationship between transformational leadership, compensation, supportive work environment, and employee retention.

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