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Aspects of Effective Customer Service Management (Annotated Bibliography Sample)
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Aspects of Effective Customer Service Management
Baran, R. J., & Galka, R. J. (2016). Customer Relationship Management: The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy. Taylor & Francis.
In the analysis of this book, the two authors have started by identifying the key processes which define customer relationship management. These processes include and are not limited to; strategy development, performance assessment, value creation, information management and multi-channel integration. The two authors, agree that effective customer relationship management is the key to gaining a competitive advantage in business. According to the book analysis, customer relationship management is built around technology. It points out that a long-term approach is appropriate in order to achieve the goals and the objectives of the organization.
Buttle, F., & Maklan, S. (2015). Customer relationship management: concepts and technologies. Routledge.
The book, ‘Customer Relationship Management’ sought to find out the methodologies which are related to the customer relationship management. In the book, Customer relationship management has been defined to include the management of all the interactions between the company and the customers. The channels of interaction have been discussed in the book as an important interface in the management aspect of the function. According to the book, a strategic customer relationship management should be customer centered and what is more is that it should deliver value. It is further explained in the book that the objectives of the customer relationship management are to retain the customer and enhance better satisfaction.
Curtin, S. (2013). Delight your customers: 7 simple ways to raise your customer service from ordinary to extraordinary. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
In the book, ‘Delight Your Customer’ by Curtin, the author has shared some important ways to improve customer service in a business environment. It has been pointed out that excellence can be pursued and achieved in the quest. Curtin, in his book has talked about the importance of delighting the customer. This is about doing the little things which have a lasting impression that the business care about their needs. It is thought by the author that the customer should feel appreciated. One of the truths in delivering effective customer service is that it should be voluntary. It is also pointed out according to the book that it should not cost more to deliver effective customer service.
Delvin, K. (2015). Customer Service Training. Association for Talent Development. Business & Economics.
Training and development have been outlined in the book as a strategy in effective customer service. The author has gone a step further in explain how to design a training and development framework. The book has also discussed how to incorporate technology in the training framework. Developing customer service skills have been pointed out as important in delivering effective customer service. A SWOT analysis, according to the book, should be done by the management of the organization in order to deliver an effective training program. It is further pointed out that the strengths and opportunities of the business should be used against the weaknesses and the threats.
Hill-Wilson, M., & Blunt, C. (2013). Delivering effective social customer service: How to redefine the way you manage customer experience and your corporate reputation. John Wiley & Sons.
Wilson and Blunt’s book gives an important perspective on the changes brought by social media in customer service management. The book defined social customer service as an integrated approach to customer service taking into perspective changes in the modern society. The authors have described how organizations have managed to use social media as a medium of interactions with the customers. According to the book, organizations have long shifted from using the social media to enrich brand awareness to engaging its customers in what has been defined in the book as social customer service. This has been defined by the two authors as the politics of social transparency. Organizations, in this case, are advised not to play defense too much in the face of public bashing.
Nasir, S. (2015). Customer Relationship Management Strategies in the Digital Era. Business Science Reference, an imprint IGI Global.
In the introduction of this book, Nasir has started by discussing the increasing competition in the business environment and the choices it presents to the customers. He further talks about how customer loyalty is important in order to remain competitive in such a dynamic business environment. The advice that is given to the organization in the analysis of this book is that of consistent investment in customer relationship management systems which are important in ensuring the needs of the customers are well taken care of. Through effective and efficient communication channels, the author says that this can be achieved as a subset of the broader organizational goals.
Oliveira, A., & Gimeno, A. (2014). Customer Service Supply Chain Management: Models for Achieving Customer Satisfaction, Supply Chain Performance, and Shareholder Value. Pearson Education.
Oliveira and Gimeno in their book, ‘Customer Service Supply Chain Management’ have started by defining the five forces in customer service and supply chain management. These forces include and are not limited to process, product, customer, and service. According to the authors, there should be a balance in the five forces for an effective customer-centric service to be enhanced. The book has discussed the aspect of customer service in the broader supply chain management aspects. It further explains that customer service in the integrated supply chain management works to improve the communication channels which is key in improving customer satisfaction.
Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2013)....
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