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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Annotated Bibliography
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Annotated Bibliography on Health Scholarly Materials (Annotated Bibliography Sample)


Annotated Bibliography on health scholarly materials provided by the client


Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Swayne, E. & Duncan, J. & Ginter, M. (2012) Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. New Jersey. John Wiley & Sons.
This 6th edition book is streamlined to a more manageable format that provides guidance and focus on strategic thinking, strategic planning, strategy formulation, implementation, and control for a comprehensive specialty non profit hospital. Indeed, the book is well organized and very understandable thus; the author has a good reputation on the subject.
Bannet, E. (2012). Practical Techniques for Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations . Tulsa, OK: Hogan Press.
This is a publication that has been revised and updated to include bigger focus on the analysis of the internal environment of a comprehensive specialty non-profit hospital. The book provides a strategic thrust to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as healthcare practitioners.
DeMuro, R. (2007). Fundamentals of Managed Care and Network Development. New York: McGraw-Hill.
This book by is a rich business guide for healthcare experts and providers. DeMuro demonstrates how strategic healthcare managers may become strategic thinkers in relation to business management. The text shows how to healthcare providers can develop and document a comprehensive plan of action through strategic planning. It teaches healthcare professionals how to evaluate business strategic plans, determine what works, and incorporate new business strategic thinking into strategy formulation, situation analysis and future planning. The text provides strategic business momentum "maps" and other tools for evaluating the changing healthcare environment, data analysis, and developing new strategic business directions in the healthcare industry.
Stahl, J. (2006). Encyclopedia of Health Care Management North Park, Newcastle. SAGE Publications
This Encyclopedia has numerous topics that would help medical professionals, or MBA students to know in relation to the business of health care. Today the need to combine business acumen with medicine has become a common phenomenon than was in the 1980s and 1990s. The stronger need for applying business and management skills in the field of healthcare in the 21st century was the idea behind writing this book. The book includes over 600 entries with over 160 healthcare experts contributing in the various topics of the book. This is a great book for the field of medicine in general.
Moseley, B. (2009) Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Boston. Jones & Bartlett Learning
This is a definitive textbook where Moseley focuses on strategic planning and management in health care organizations for those pursuing a career in health care in undergraduate, business, and medical schools, and ancillary health professions such as nursing. The author presents a fresh view of the importance of strategic planning and management within the context of organization's concern for delivering and financing of the health care. Moseley's insight in this area is enlightening.
Winston, W. et al. (2012) Fundamentals of Strategic Planning for Healthcare Organizations. New York. Taylor & Francis
This practical guidebook provides the fundamentals of Strategic Planning for a comprehensive specialty non-profit hospital. This textbook by Winston explores the basic principles of planning and maps out key procedures for expanding health care organizations in need of specific decision-making procedures. The book help the healthcare practitioners or students to generate ideas on developing strategic management plans tailored to customized needs of their organizations. The book provides worksheets, client surveys, and comprehensive planning documents from actual healthcare organizations, which acts as valuable aids to the development of the management plans.
Horak, J. (2007) Strategic Planning in Healthcare. London. Taylor & Francis
Strategic Planning in Healthcare is a book that helps healthcare administrators to build a quality-based healthcare plan. The book provides a step by step guidance required in creating and implementing a strategic plan for healthcare organizations wishing to integrates quality principles in their management plan. The author provides a structure for Quality-Based Strategic Planning (QBSP) that incorporate a combination of nine critical quality elements from Deming Juran, the Baldrige Award, JCAHO, and other sources. The author uses the clinical model of assessment, healthcare planning, and implementation that is presented concisely and clearly. Each phase of the clinical model is thoroughly examined in this book, discussions are provided on various techniques, and tools that can be used, how the concepts can be applied, and a summary in a roadmap format outlining the manager's key tasks.
Zuckerman, M. (2005). Healthcare strategic planning. Michigan. Health Administration Press.
Alan Zuckerman gives the readers some thoughtful insights into how strategic planning can be possible "amid chaos" in order to position your healthcare organization in a long-term roadmap to success. In the book, veteran consultant Zuckerman provides us with step-by-step techniques and procedures for confronting the pressures in today's healthca

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